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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 16-20

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Clint's line at Natalie and Jared was kind of harsh (yesterday's eppy), though true, but harsh. Wow. Natalie's look was pretty real too. Good job.

Really? Haven't seen it yet. Good things don't last forever sadly...

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ONE small complaint. OLTL still moved say by day at a kinda wonky pace--nothing like Dena's when a day lasted for months, but today we learned that we're still on the same day when Marko and Langston wer eonly talking about the trip, like it was happenigng in a few days, Star and Sam saw Marcie in the park, etc etc AND of course the whole Ramsey shootout blowout. I woulda thought at least ONE day passed....

This is a joke right? Wow I loved almost every moment and enjoyed the dialogue more than I usually do...

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ITA! I wasn't one who was looking forward to SH and AE returning with huge anticipation. But I am disappointed in how those characters are being utilized (more Tina than Marty). It's early yet so I'll certainly give it more time before I weigh in with a firm decision, but I think today combined the most boring stories with these new/returning characters who require some more development, and I found it boring.

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Really? I actually hated today's show. Maybe it's because I felt that yesterday's episode was so well written and acted that today just seemed like a let down to me. I was happy not to seem Jared or the rest of the Buchanan clan but everything just seemed boring. I guess the individual scenes were okay but together they just didn't mesh right. One thing that stuck out as bad for me were the sole scenes. I was expecting more from them because of yesterday's scenes and was really let down. As much as I love her I think the problem today was Kristen. She's been so good the past couple of weeks and yesterday she was great but today she was just blah. I really didn't feel the emotional connection there, which is odd because she is really the reason why I'm invested in this story. I usually find her portrayal realistic but something was just off to me. I know I probably just opened up a can of worms by critiquing an actress that no one on here seems to like but me but I really didn't feel her today. I'm just hoping no one decides to have open season on her because of my statement.

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I really liked Monday's episode and that made me excited for Tina's s/l but these days with her beating around the bush with sarah and cris is really starting to annoy me. I'm not the most impatient person in the world I'm just finding it sort of repetitive at this point and I wish they'd get on with it. But I'm happy that you enjoyed it :D

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Upthread I said I expected to be disappointed with today's show and largely I wasn't. That doesn't mean I don't have a few complaints. Some are my own prejudices based on Dena Higley's tenure and my own fears OLTL will revert to that unbalance.

I agree with KMAN101. The Viki/Tina reunion had better be damn good if and when it finally happens.

And I liked Justus Bolding again today. I didn't love her, but OLTL could do a lot worse with young actresses, as we've seen.

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I think I understand what you are saying, correct me if I am off. It's almost like they took a 52 card deck of scenes and shuffled them badly in the editing room, so we end up with a weak show.

I've been thinking about this and I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather have a few really engaging shows and a few filler shows, than have all the content watered down over the week and have no really good days.

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I think its a horrible idea to give the baby to Marcie considering everything thats happened between teh 2 families over the past few months. I know Marcie is desperate for a child, but for her sake, she seriously needs to stay away from the Mannings or else she's asking to be burned in the future. For her own sake, she needs to stay out of this mess

Besides this makes no sense. The premise behind Starr giving Marcie her baby is bc Marcie cant have kids of her own and bc of her legal history, she cant adopt a child. If thats the case then how can she be able to adopt Starr's child? Social services would be all over that and wouldnt allow it especially since its Todd's grandchild. Starr giving her permission doesnt change the law. This is a stupid twist

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I was okay with today's show, but it was indeed slightly dull. I don't get why people say Tina is being wasted. Catching up with her daughter is probably the most important thing (that she isn't in the center of) for her to be doing right now. I'm positive we'll see some Tina/Viki-age by next week.

I love Langston and Markko, but the stuff with them was random. That teacher was a bitch.

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I don't get it either. She's only been in 7 episodes and she's already reunited with her daugther. Did we want her to reunite Sara, Viki, Todd in what 3 episdoes? Come on. I don't understand for this need of instant gratification and things to be done so quickly. Give it time. You know it's going to happen.

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