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Yes, I do.  I actually hoped that's the direction they'd go in.  NLG always played it that if there was no Eden, she'd be interested in Cruz.  I think that was the logical way to go.  And Kelly may have even worked, had they not brought in Eileen.  I'd have been interested to see Carrington Garland's chemistry with A Martinez.

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I'm admittedly biased since I am/was a ride or die Mason/Julia fan, but I'm glad the show never hooked Cruz/Julia up. A platonic friendship was refreshing. AW also did it with Cass/Felicia. There was too few of such relationships.


Besides, had Julia/Cruz hooked up, Julia would be tossed like yesterday's trash in a blink had Marcy Walker wanted to come back. As a Julia fan, I think she deserved better than that. Not to mention destroy Julia's other friendship with Eden in the process. (Heck, Samantha had Eden as her middle name with Eden's "death" back around the time Samantha was born.)


But the Kelly angle would have been soapy, especially since the show played up a rivalry between Eden/Kelly once CG came on as far as Robert went. I think that dynamic could have really revved up had Cruz been in the mix. Still, in the end, I think Kelly would be sacrificed, too, with the above "Eden returns" scenario as no way would the show not reunite their flagship pairing.


So maybe the whole thing played out as best as it could. Frankly, as it was, Cruz/Kelly was a disaster and should have never been attempted with a freshly-recast Kelly (and a miscast, at that) in Eileen Davidson.

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I just thought a Cruz/Julia relationship would have seemed a natural progression.  Even Cruz/Kelly, had the show not chosen to recast.


I actually think Julia may have stepped aside once Eden came back.  I think it could have been a very different kind of triangle, powerful, and made more interesting by the friendships that Julia had with both Eden and Cruz.  I liked that Julia had separate relationships which each of those 2 characters.  I thought it could have been a very human, realistic triangle, where nobody hates or blames anybody.   It's what I would have written.


The Kelly dynamic would have been SOLID with Carrington Garland in the role.  They could have thrown them curveballs without needing a Marcy Walker return to do it (Quinn, Robert, Ric- endless possibilities).   It makes me wish that the Dobsons had actually watched at least the 1990 year while they were gone or before coming back in order to freshen up on what had been going on.  I think they may have seen and realized that Carrington was a very appealing Kelly and connected with the audience in a way they didn't realize.  They could have easily made ED Laken Lockridge so she would still be a character from a prominent family and then she would have had a character she could easily mold and make her own, since Laken was never really defined nor ever connected with the audience.   Or, if they wanted her to have major story, then bring her on as a recast Victoria Lane.  At least that character would have had miles of story to play had they brought her back and all romantic pairings would have remained open, since she was related to nobody.


The one actor/character I thought Eileen had chemistry with was Forry Smith's Reese.  I wished the show had gone there (they hinted at it when Reese/Jodie were first brought on).  Ironically, the Walker character I liked best (Reese) is the one Pam Long did the least with.

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It seemed like they were pairing Reese with unhinged Andie..and we're starting to flesh him out when the show got cancelled.


I will still say I liked kim zimmer...on the show.  She played a convincing cop, but had Pam Long still focused on the capwells..and tied the walker family more with them...it might have not have been as bad.


I also wonder how Pam Long would have written Augusta.  Shame we will never know

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I LOVED Angela and that was the storyline where I fell in love with her.   They really should have continued trying her as the new female lead because it was working.  Unfortunately, Pam Long severely backburnered her in favor of BJ Walker.  It didn't work, like all of Long's tenure.

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It would've made sense seeing how popular Nina Arvesen allegedly was with Y&R audiences as Cassandra. Why didn't the show do a better job at using her to draw in more viewers and force Pam Long's hand when it came to her? 


She was that cliche gorgeous woman with blond heroine that the show was known for having. 

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Pam Long didn't see her as a heroine- she saw her as a sexed up vamp.  Ironically, the only interesting thing about Long's tenure was the Angela/Ted relationship she created.  But, only seeing her as a vamp and not a heroine, there was no follow-through, Ted ended up with Lily, Angela ended up alone, and Nina Arvesen was one of 2 or 3 cast members who didn't appear on the last episode.  I believe her last appearance was on the 3rd or 4th to last ep.  It was a total missed opportunity.  The Dobsons liked writing for her and saw the potential.  That changing of the guard in the writers' room never should have happened.

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