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All: Which Head Writer Is Next To Go?

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I'm not necessarily shocked Hogan was let go, just that 9 out of his 12 writers followed suit with him. Anyway, which soap do you believe will be affected next?

I think the writing was on the wall with Latham being fired from Y&R a long time ago. With Josh Griffith finally being listed as the on Executive Producer this week, it sort of sealed the deal of her firing IMO. I just wonder why nothing's leaked of her being axed yet, since we know Hogan is already out.

As for the ABC soaps, I think they'll remain with the same creative teams. I would've thought B&E would be the first to go, but I think they won brownie points with Frons by going Fi-Core. As for Guza, I don't think Frons will ever work up the guts to fire him. I don't know what to say about Ron at OLTL, but I wouldn't be surprised if Frons tries to screw with that show now that its stable and actually good. :rolleyes:

I think the P&G soaps will keep their head writers as well, because face it, P&G doesn't seem to care about the quality of their soaps anymore. They think viewers are dumb and only care about the physical look of their shows. :rolleyes:

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Vanilla Ice: "Word to your mutha."

IA, Y&RWorldTurner, Latham's exit from Y&R seems like a foregone conclusion. Too much is happening both onscreen and off to presume Y&R is in a sort of holding pattern, waiting for her to return.

After Latham, though, I'm hard-pressed to predict who the next HW will be to be forced out of his or her job. B&E might've bought a little time w/ Frons at AMC, but I think TPTB will be watching the two's performance from here on very, very closely.

At this point, the only HWs w/ relative job security are Bell, Kreizman, Guza and Passanante. (And of course, the Scab Formerly Known as Dena Higley, at DAYS.) I'd add Carlivati to the list, but I still suspect he will come back from the strike to find he has been busted back down to Associate Head Writer (or, at the very least, that he'll have to share his HW'ing duties with Gary Tomlin).

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Bullshit. I don't see it. And if he does, you'll get a backlash from OLTL fans like you wouldn't believe. That would be a very, very bad mistake.

Assuming LML is already long gone, I think Guza, B&E or Passanante are next. B&E have jockeyed to save their jobs by going fi-core; that's the only reason they did it. ATWT is unwatchable and GH is throwing out Guza's outlines.

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