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AMC: Thursday January 31 2008

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Ryan Sematary

HIGH HO Hero of Pine Valley has just lost his memory! Be sure to alert the presses and your Aunt Fanny and Uncle Rupert along with cousin Bellerina and that Princess in Denmark called ShakiraLira and anyone else you can know. Well it looks as if he has another woe is me tale to spin to everyone around Ryan's Valley...he has no recollection of the past four years! Well *beep* it seems as if Super Ryan is just about as good as dead and buried in a sematary because it is like he did not breath for four years. And without a breath, you just have to go to the birdies and get your d1ck bitten off along with the super feet and super tongue and super pubic hairs and so much more. But who knows because maybe Super Ryan will realize that life is not worth living if he has not one clue as to who anyone is so he will give more reason for him to be in a sematary, buried with all the other low life disgusting little thieves since he knows all about thievery folks. So apparently St. Ryan is now going to be thinking that he is back to being engaged to Kendall and perhaps he will take her away from the beloved Zach but what about Emma and Annie? Yep I guess those two are just going to have to bail while Dynamite Kiddo starts to remember all these times he had with Kendall and the Green Butterfly. But it would not stink for the McDermotts to be leaving Holier Than Thou Ryan because then they would not have to endure the bug eyed stares, flailing arms, pontificating howling, and all the other annoying mannerisms of Pine Valley's most idiotic bumbbwick. Let him just rot in a sematary grave if he thinks that life is not worth living and he is better off just dying since the only people he remembers have moved on to those with British accents...hey maybe that is the trick! Ryan should act like he is from Britain! Although he is next in line to succeed Queen Elizabeth "I have a plunger stuck up my butt and that is why I am anal about everything" II so it should be easy for him to be a British person. Unfortunately, Ryan will start saying words like "mate" and "shrimp on the barbie" but that is the other country....since he has now lost his place in the line to the throne, he can go bye bye bye at the sound of Nsync's famous song and into a ditch to be buried. Talk about rowing the boat to the shore and saying Hallelujah!

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No wonder today was crap.

Ugh STILL pissed at the continued whitewashing of Greenlee. At least Spike isn't falling for the "Greenlee is Love" ish, BWAH! Good kid, started crying when he got near Greenlee, GO SPIKEY :D :D

Zen FINALLY got a bedroom :D:wub:

Everything else was pretty boring......

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I'm excited for tomorrow!

I did like Erica and Samuel for the quick minute and I also loved Erica and Jake.

Oh and that picture that Lily gave Greenlee? It was perfectly cropped so that not even Reggie's hand was in it...and suddenly the REASONS all come back.

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come on, this coming from the guy that complains about Ryan almost every single day?

Good show today. I dont know what happened but the entire show just feels different now. It has a completely new vibe and feel and Im kinda liking it. Im enjoying the new direction AMC is going in

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You and I are seeing eye to eye. I totally feel the same way. I am viewing B&E's tenure and CRASH and Post CRASH. Basically I noticed this new feel at the turn of the new year.

I am hopeful of the direction the show is going in, B&E or not.

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