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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I'm glad they are running that ad. Actually the Keating Five ad is a web documentary. It was talked about on the news, but I don't know that he invested any money showing it.

I agree with you about McCain just seeming angry. I thought he was very angry during the first debate.

I'm hoping Obama and Biden start their last week strategy next week and carry it through election day. It's time for the here is the energy ads and to see them out with the folks. I'm ready for the huge crowds, the 18 hour campaign days and the across the nation campaign. Once those start, they make McCain and his shrieking irrelevant. You know it's always good to make those who shriek irrelevant :P

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Well, they are throwing the BS towards him. If the ecomonic crisis hadn't hit, no telling where these polls and states would be.

But, with real life as a constant, the people are seeing who handles it better. And for once, Obama being calm and cool seems to be benefitting him, as it should.

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I think Virginia is a dead tie right now 49/49. I think it will go McCain though. Did it go for Clinton?

I think Nevada will go Obama. Colorado may go Obama. Obama needs Ohio or Florida. I'm hoping he gets both.

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Real Clear Politics still has it as a toss-up with Obama up by 3.1%--Also, there hasn't been a FL poll released since 10/05

RCP Average 09/27 - 10/05 -- 48.4 45.3 Obama +3.1

FOX News/Rasmussen 10/05 - 10/05 1000 52 45 Obama +7

Florida Chamber ® 09/30 - 10/01 619 42 45 McCain +3

CNN/Time 09/28 - 09/30 51 47 Obama +4

InAdv/PollPosition 09/30 - 09/30 49 46 Obama +3

Suffolk/WSVN 09/27 - 09/30 46 42 Obama +4

Quinnipiac 09/27 - 09/29 51 43 Obama +8

SurveyUSA 09/27 - 09/2847 48 McCain +1

PPP (D) 09/27 - 09/2849 46 Obama +3

It worries me that FOX News has McCain down in FL..LOL!

I didn't ask..you volunteered. I said I hope you wouldn't be in a joking mood after the debate..then I got you life story..

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Well, Casey, several pages back I tried to discuss the death penalty with you (and a few other posters mentioned something about it as well) and it went ignored.

Don't try to claim that you are the only one interested in issues in this thread. You say that, but then turn around with your non-issue "October Surprise", Ayers and this last stupid ass article about some bigot in Kenya. Those aren't issues. Not even close.

Well, the fact of the matter is that you did come across as condoning it. You rationalized his use of the word in saying he as tortured. Never once did you say he was wrong in uttering that word. Never once. If that's not condoning his use of the word, I don't know what is.

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There's been a shift in N. VA to the Democrats. I believe Ryan posted something on this earlier and your candidate's brother called them "communists". Going by your rationale against Gwen Ifell, then I could say that John McCain himself agrees with his brother's statement and has called Northern VA Democrats communists.

But I won't.

Seriously, how can you support a party as divisive this? Do you agree with the complete and utter [!@#$%^&*] that spews forth from their pie holes? How do you justify it? Before you answer that, let me just say that if Obama or anyone with the slightest connection to him said the same thing, you would be here crying about it. <_<<_<

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What did ask about the death penalty? I must have missed that.

Stupid-ass article? Why are all of you becoming so militant? Your man is in the lead...

Well I wasn't. I said he should have known better. How is that condoning it?

I shouldn't have tried to defend him on that like Roman asked me...I should have seen it as a baited challenge (which is was)..Oh well..

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No you shouldn't have tried to defend it because something like that has no defense and in doing so you were implicitly condoning it....especially when you asked a question along the lines of whether a person would prefer a terrorist to a racist.

Obama isn't a terrorist and McCain did make a racist remark....

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