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GH: Week Of Jan 7th!

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I'm loving these Alexis/Diane scenes!!

Alexis has headphones on, and Diane has sleeping blinders:

Diane: "I will see no evil, you will hear no evil." :lol:

I can't believe GH is having fun again, especially with two smart female characters!

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Let me get this straight....Sam was so worried about her family's safety but was too busy to watch her sisters yet she can make time to babysit Elizabeth's kids with Lucky. She was supposed to be at the hospital supporting Nikolas but she finds her way over to Carly's to spill about Jake. Her concern for Lucky is overwhelming and her disinterest in Jason and Elizabeth is quite apparent. I guess supporting Nikolas is really important as well.

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I think GH just redeemed Diane for me. LOVED her scenes today with Alexis. Those were hilarious

LOVED that Kristina cant stand Ric. I liked how she kept referring to her "real" daddy. Ric was didnt seem to give a damn about her following the divorce. He was all about Molly and didnt care for the other daughter he had been raising with Alexis. I remember one scene where he came in to the house, picked Molly up and didnt even say hi to Kristina. He completely ignored her in the room and failed to acknowledge her. I can only imagine how that must have felt on her. Her animosity now towards him is justified.

Michael is seriously working my last nerve. I hope some kids beat him up at school

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Sam is just SO desperate for attention that its sad really....

I mean why is this whore obessed with Jake? Get it thru ur thick skull you will NEVER have kids and Jake will NEVER be yours...just like Jason will NEVER be yours.

That being said I'm pretty sure Carly is gonna push the limits of my hatred for her even further tomorrow.

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OMFG. whats was that? an entire episode worth watching? a good episode! what?! i knew GH could do it... are these scap writing yet?!

Alexis & Diane. YES! more please. they are great. so funny. and both actress' are simply amazing.

Mac & Felicia were good. Maxie was once again great and owned Felicia.

Liz & Jason trying to get together is cute.

Spam mcwhore... wow. where to begin? i guess with how great this role could be - even in her current state. if she would own up to the fact that shes a slutty selfish evil bitch. but i cant stand how she try to be all poor me, feel bad for me, pitty me! ugh. so again, as others have said....

Days ago she was worried about her family. Now she doesn't care.

Shes to busy to babysit her sisters, but not take Liz's?

Shes sooo over Jason and into Lucky, yet she cant and wont move on.

congrats gh... you officially have the worst character in soap opera history - and i will forever stick by that until rose comes along, and i have suffered through a lot....

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Alexis was having trouble with Kristina when Jerry showed up so she came across as being in a bratty mood. Ric actually showed some restraint when he said that Sonny was very busy as opposed to what it seemed like he started to say. I would have told her to call her real daddy to come cook for her and take her to the movies so she could see that Sonny won't drop everything for her. As it is, it's surprising that he even picked Michael up but seeing him choose between getting Michael and taking her to the movies would have been good.

I think the scene with Jax showing Sonny and Carly how to communicate with their son was great. I know the purpose was to reinforce the idea that Jax should be a father and it was an ideal scene/

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I don't think she's any where near the worst character but I do agree that she would be better if they wrote her to embrace the wicked instead of painting herself the victim. They need to start with having her move on from whining over Jason. The worst part about her vendetta now is the way she's manipulated Lucky who she tries to feign concern about. If he's the kind of man she needs then she should stop her games. Hopefully, they'll use this Carly reveal plot as a catalyst to have Sam wake up and get a life.

Elizabeth and Sam need never have another confrontation because it's a waste of air time. The little bit of truth Sam speaks is always bogged down in some delusional ranting as well. Plus they always have Elizabeth say something that falls flat such as calling Sam lying anything when her hands aren't clean. Even when Sam was telling truths to Carly she dabbled in the delusional by making it appear that Jason had actually confided in her when she found out about Jake eavesdropping.

They brought Johnny to the PCPD as if he were going to be charged with murder yet they hadn't confirmed whose DNA matched the skin cells under her finger nails. Did Mac need to tell Logan why Johnny was there? Then he's out with no explanation about why unless I blinked and missed it. The best thing in all of this is at least they're making Felicia look sensible catching the domino tracks. So is it safe to assume if they see the tracks when Johnny isn't in the PS that they might realize that someone working there made it? Or is it more likely that those tracks will not show up again until next month? I think I'm still stuck on Maxie not recognizing the scent of the killer if it is Coop.

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*sighs*...Ric and Skye have great chemistry, but they sure killed that in one episode.

Cooper could have switched the results, I have a feeling its going to end up being him.

Jason and Liz! But seriously, Sam needs to get a LIFE.

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I'd hate Sam the most if I didn't despise that smug heffer Carly more.

LMAO at her look of complete disbelief when Sam spilled the beans. Um, yeah, Cujo! Jason might just love and trust somebody other than you.

And speaking of Mother of the Year, Michael is becoming increasingly sinister now that his voice is breaking and he's going all mobstah. Soon DemonSpawn will be sporting hair on his chest, a couple of medallions and a thing for the laydeez. Skye better lock up LilaMae.

I enjoy Sam as the bitch out to destroy everybody's lives. She has a point -- Liz and Jason had no compunction about destroying the lives of others to justify their Greatest Love of All. Even though I like Liz, I had to giggle when Sam said that line about the Immaculate Conception.

Cooper is so obviously the killer but I still cannot help liking him. I don't know whether it's the actor or in the script, but his scenes with Maxie do some to have this quiet tenderness.

The hairstylist who added those blonde skunk highlights to: NLG, Becky Herbst, Kelly Monaco and now Megan Ward? Needs to be lined up against a wall and shot.

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