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GH: Week Of Jan 7th!

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Last week. He was killed off-screen. On-screen, we saw a one-sided conversation between Epiphany and Stan. She was happy he finally called. He was ran off the road while on the phone with her.

Yeah, she's leaving town.

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Sam, Carly and Liz are messed up with issues and I dont get this idea that Liz is some type of saint that is a better person. She has cheated, lied, tried to keep 2 paternity secrets, has tendencies to be a bitch, is a major hypocrite, etc... She is dirty just like Carly and Sam. Same sh-t, jsut wrapped up in a different package, hers of course having nice bows. I like Sam and I know she's been a bitch and I dont pretend that she isnt, nor does Sam. Elizabeth is for from the angel, she pretends to be and she's not that far off from the women, she looks down upon and condemns with her crooked halo

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GO Elizabeth! Finally, Sam has nothing on her (well....she will eventually, lol). But for now, Liz can rejoice in the fact that she has the upper hand. I do wish Becky would make stronger acting choices. Many times her choices have Elizabeth come off as weak in her scenes.

Sam was about to crap her pants (I seriously doubt Sam wears underwear....<_<). Her poor little self-destructive ass was trying every she could to get Elizabeth to be quiet. She shouldn't have played her trump card. When people have [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] on you, you make sure you keep the [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] on them so you all can counter each other. Sam's played her hand too fast and now she's screwed. Good for Liz :)

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I wish Sam and Liz would shut up and just kiss, then leave Jason/Lucky for each other. "Their hatred turned into passion.....and passion turned into love....Elizabeth and Sam, Daytime's hottest romance....Only on General Hospital."

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Super Sam has the chance!

Yep Liz confronted her today about how good ole H0 H0 H0 (she is very popular at Christmas time) let Jake be kidnapped so now Sam Happy Meal has an opportunity to come forward and say that she allowed it to happen to be a spiteful witch. Yep it is time that someone called her out on her chit since it is her fault that a baby's life was put in danger. Since Sam likes playing superhero and rescue lady, she could have rescued the baby and taken out that kidnapper like she is some HIGH H0 of Port Charles with her tough muscles and superhero cape...but nope she chose to be a coward and now is being called out on it! Good for Liz! Sam you need to rot in H#ll!

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I think one of the reasons that Elizabeth apears to be somewhat saintly to some is because she's compared to Sam and Carly quite a bit. Elizabeth is a piece of work on her own but stacked up against them she does come across as much better despite her misdeeds because there's something about those two that causes her to generally look like a better person.

Elizabeth is an extremely lite version of the other two in that she's not an angel and she doesn't do most of her bad deeds with malicious intent. She does the kind of things that are of the misguided variety in terms of making bad choices. She's really not looking down on either Sam or Carly any more than they look down on her or anyone else. They all spout nonsense of a different variety. Carly's tends to be that she's the only one who knows what's good for Jason and everyone else is manipulative or a liar which is what she is. Sam and Elizabeth both lie but can only see the negative quality in themselves and they seem to readily justify what they do. Sam and Carly's list of bad deeds just happens to be a whole lot longer than Elizabeth's and that makes her come across as better. Right now she's at the same level as Carly and Sam because they're all being ridiculously childish and self righteous.

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