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GH: Week Of Jan 7th!

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you know what i ahve decided will be the best day my soap watching... when Spam mccallgirl is killed off of GH! i cant wait. really. it needs to happen.. like 3 years ago. I will throw a party for two reasons.. 1) shes dead. 2) kelly monaco is free!

I dont see liz as playing saint. if she acts as if she is better than some people.... say sam, carly, maxie... thats because she IS. same with robin. i see them both as good kind people, who are hoenst most of the time, but are human. Liz isnt perfect and she knows it. shes a flawed good girl, and thats why i love her. its more than one layer.

alexs & diane... im over it.

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False....Liz is in the same league as Georgie and Robin. Sorry but to compare the two town sluts to Elizabeth is laughable at best. Putting my emotions just from watching GH for all these years I think its safe to say that Elizabeth is overall a GOOD person. That deep down she's innately a human being that tries to do the RIGHT thing and isn't vindictive or hurtful on purpose to people. Robin and Georgie are similiar. NONE of them are perfect. They've all made mistakes. BUT their mistakes don't even come close to the level of debauchery that Carly and Sam deal with it.

Can you really say that about the other two animals you claim are in the same league? I mean reallly after watching Carly and Sam for all these years you can honestly say that htey're decent people?

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Yesterday was the first time I was impressed with Robin Christopher since OLTL. It felt like the old Skye was back! And why Rick Hearst is not a leading man on this show is anybody's guess. RH may not be generically hunky, but his voice and whole demeanor is so charismatic, even for a character that is meant to be the town laughingstock.

I love Alexis & Diane -- in fact some of those barbs they shared reminded me of old skool Santa Barbara. Not saying that GH is even fit to lick SB's boots, but the dynamic between these two ladies was very Santa Barbara-esque.

And yesterday was the first time that LW actually made me feel moderately bad for her. OMG, Carly was actually vulnerable! And quiet.

By the way, I don't care who was in the wrong -- Carly, Sam, Liz. They have all done bad, in some cases irredeemable things. And they all got their just desserts in yesterday's episode. But for Carly to ream Sam for being a ho (LOL) and Liz for hiding Jake's paternity is hypocritical in the extreme. She wasn't wrong in her basic assessment of either woman, but she should sit her a$$ down because she did the same things they did, only worse.

Mob Zachara stuff: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Fast forward!

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I guess it is Cujo's MO to barge in and shriek at people.

I just wish she'd quit lying to herself. Carly is pea-green with jealousy. This BFF stuff is so tired. She obviously has always yearned for Jason but Borg only gets the horn for whispery-voiced damsals in distress. Preferably short and with dark hair. :lol: Ooo, and who else does that remind you of?

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Well all 3 women have had their share of duty of lying and doing the wrong thing, so it IS pot calling the kettle black. Regardless, the only one without a LIFE here is Sam, haha. At least Carly has some business knowing about Jake because Jason is her "best friend"

Besides that, Anthony is back! LOL. Loved it. Such a good episode.

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