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Lynn Marie Latham kaput from Y&R?

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You are right about that, but she needs to be better written. But that sweet and sour behavior of hers is intriguing.... And maybe we need a different actress. I am just so sad that Latham ruined the reveal that Paul is her father. For years, I expected that this would happen at some point (besides, Y&R is famous for bringing back the past to create new storylines), but it was so bad.... If only Alden had handled this....

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The good thing about Y&R is that it has overcome bad stretches before and it usually rebounds pretty quickly because most of the cast and families have been left in tact. Bad stories and there have been plenty over the years are eliminated and the show moves on. (This is a little different because there isn't a single storyline that I like.) I don't even bother watching what I've recorded on my DVR. This is the first time I've gone cold turkey in about 10 years. I'm sure I'll be back. Thank goodness for B&B, which is back on my radar, and ATWT, which has been better after being absolutely awful at the beginning of the year.

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I couldn't think of a more deserving character... :lol:

That said; right now I'm really indifferent about Y&R. LML destroyed so much so that I don't have enough that actually someone replaces her to undo all this damage. IMO and I said it before, this show is only labelled as Y&R but is nothing more than an empty shell. <_<

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Why would she be fired? She is doing what she was brought in to do: modernize the feel of the show and speed up the storytelling pace, while keeping the canvas of familiar faces essentially in tact. The ratings are for the most part stable, more so than when Kay Alden was HW, which is an accomplishment given how the rest of daytime seems to be in a free fall. The actors seem to love her. She nabbed an Emmy for the show. I'm no huge fan of hers, but I don't see any reason for her to be axed, barring some backstage political stuff that we're not aware of.

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LML was really brought in to make ratings rise, something which she has not done. In fact, ratings are down and the budget is up. Y&R is the sort of show that modernization just doesn't work on. It's a soap in the more classic sense and Sony's thought that it needed a change was poorly devised. Y&R succeeded on consistency, LML has been totally inconsistent and the ratings reflect that.

When Kay Alden was HW solo (1998-2001) the show's ratings were very stable and still quite high. Y&R started to slide when Jack Smith became HW with 2004/2005 being the years that Y&R really lost some viewers and got slow creatively. However, it has come to light that Jack Smith was dealing with the terminal illness of his son (who has since passed) and thus I have to give Smith a pass for even though he created the *worst* story twist in Y&R history (Kay and Jill are Mother and Daughter) he was dealing with a tragedy that would have brought even the best soap writer to their knees.

The actors do seem to love her in the press. Yes, fair enough. However, what actor would actually say "I hate my executive producer and headwriter, she's a bitch who has ruined the show!"....the folks at Y&R know not to bite the hand that feeds them. The Emmy, well that was also Jack Smith, Kay Alden, Ed Scott and all the other Y&R staff's doing as well. The Emmy doesn't really mean all that much, GL tied them and that show is kind of a mess.

Essentially, I have lost all rational thought in terms of this woman. Even the thought of a truly horrific writer like McTavish scares me less. I hate LML, it's irrational, but I just do. I hope the bitch is ousted, she has ruined Y&R.

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These days on Y&R, I can barely tell that the budget is up because everything is so piss-poorly managed!

I mean, you can tell that Y&R is a show with money(esp. when compared to GL), but the lighting and the direction in some scenes lately just seems so...un-Y&R. For that show's standards, it doesn't look great.

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Kind of, lol?

You know, I could forgive the piss-poor production values because, IMO, that stuff doesn't matter to me at all. However, what I cannot abide is inconsistency in the storytelling; and these days, Y&R's stories have inconsistencies in spades. Nothing the characters do these days jibe at all with we know to be true about them; stories, if you could call them that, meander aimlessly; and payoffs, such as they are, are few and far between, and invariably land with a crashing thud.

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