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Writer's Strike Thread

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He's a man. There only is ONE haircut. We always get the same one, year after year. :lol:

To avoid getting totally off-topic ;)

anyone else read this EW editorial from last week? The author really made great points why this strike is so important for the writers. I think I stumbled upon the artcile via Michael Aussiello on TVGuide.com

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Hope springs eternal, Y&RWorldTurner, lol.

Given what I know now (that writers are NOT guaranteed their jobs after a strike ends), I wouldn't be surprised if some do not return. AMC's James Harmon Brown and Barbara Esensten probably will be let go, if not immediately after the strike, then some time after that. Same goes for Y&R's Lynn Marie Latham (especially if the SOW item proves correct). And while I could be wrong, I've this feeling that Dena Higley could end up replacing Hogan Sheffer entirely at DAYS, while OLTL's Ron Carlivati will get demoted back to Associate/Breakdown Writer.

Really, at this point, the only HW's whose jobs are secure are ATWT's Jean Passanante, B&B's Bradley Bell (duh, lol), GH's Bob Guza and GL's David Kreizman. But, as they say, stranger things have happened.

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Why would Carlivati be demoted? With all the praise OLTL has been receiving from the press and the actors, I doubt they'd remove him. As far as Hogan goes, I doubt they would let Higley replace him completely. I think she's there to help with the history and whatnot.

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I don't think B&E will be replaced at AMC. Why would they? The show has been hitting record lows for months. That's great. This is the vision of AMC that Frons wants. As he said when McTavish left, she was just burnt out, but it's clear that HER vision of AMC is the AMC they're trying to produce. Forget Brooke, Erica as a lead, etc. Greenlee, Kendall, Babe, Ryan and Zach are what AMC's about.

I guess the good thing about this idoicy is that Kay Alden is free to return to Y&R. She's also been doing brilliant job reviving B&B (just like Y&R!) so I can only imagine what she would've done at AMC. AMC was *thisclose* to being the best soap on air.

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OTOH, Ryan, we're talking about Brian Frons, a man who has proven, time and time again, that he doesn't know a good thing when he sees it.

As I've said before, though...

1) Hiring Hogan probably was more Sony's, or even NBC's, idea, than Ken Corday's; and

2) Hogan had his opportunity to turn things around, but when things didn't turn around (and from a ratings standpoint, they haven't), Corday felt he had the leverage to hire a HW more to his liking.

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That, too, lol.

I hope I'm proven wrong, of course, but recent history, I think, has shown us that hiring a Co-HW after a HW has already been installed means trouble.

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