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GL: Week of October 15

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A lot has happened in Springfield so far this week, however, IMO most of it has been boring. I did find Natalia taking the high road about the abortion interesting though. She finds it morally and religious wrong to have an abortion but apparently has no trouble trying to break-up a marriage. Yea, yea, Gus and Harley were/are on shakey ground but that's no excuse for Nat's actions.

Just wait until Alan finds out about his great-grandchild.

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I was hoping that Harley would smack the crap out of Natalia today. Natalia is a hypocrite. She "Abortion is wrong" blah blah which I would have no problem with that opinion if Natalia hadn't just got finished breaking up a marriage.

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Would love to see a catfight break out between Natalia and Harley. The more I see her, the more I don't like the actress who plays Daisy. At first I thought that the character was interesting because she started off as a trouble maker but now she's just a one note dopey teen. I really don't feel anything when I watch Bonnie Dennison. It seems like she forces her crying scenes and fakes everything else.

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The abortion on Monday was RUSHED RUSHED RUSHED! When I look back on Friday's episode, there was no indication whatsoever (at least not from what my sis and I saw on-screen) that would have made me think she was going to have an abortion on Monday.

WHY did EW/DK rush this SL? An abortion is not a plot point! It gave us, the viewers, absolutely no time to get involved in this story. To watch what Daisy is going through, how she came to her decision, etc. We have to be emotionally involved with this character if we are going to give a crap what she does. As it turned out, I couldn't care less what happened because they RUSHED the story. UGH.

And IA, Matt. I haven't grown to liking BD playing Daisy.

And how have EW/DK made me stop caring about Harley?!? She was one of my favorite characters, and now I find her presence irritating.

GT was great on Monday and Tuesday. As much as it pisses me off how EW/DK ruined a very good story idea, GT has been playing whatever they write for her very well. I loved it on Monday when she confronted Mallet about her parking skills. Her and MK/Vanessa have, IMO, great chemistry when they are on-screen together. I can really feel the mother-daughter tension in their scenes.

Anyway....<sigh> let's see what the rest of the week brings....

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^ ^ ^ ^ Thanks Noel.

I'm kinda scared to watch what happened today (Thurs). It wouldn't surprise me to turn on the TV and have all forgiven between Daisy and Rafe. AND they are probably planning their wedding :angry:

They should get Rafe outta Daisy's orbit anyway. Someone should tell him the WHOLE truth. Like how his almost baby mamma is actually a 25 year old woman who obviously has a de-aging disease! :lol:

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ITA The problem that I'm having with this s/l is that it seems to be more about Reva ( her involvement, what she said to Daisy, yada, yada ) than it is about Daisy, so I too could care less.

Again ITA, however this whole Dinah/Matt s/l has been done to death on GL. Can you say Holly/Ross/Blake. IRL people who suffer from Dinah's condition have serious problems TPTB could really do more with this s/l

I like Vanessa/Billy but want to see them be just friends again before anything else takes place.

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Abortion can join the long list of serious issues they've fumbled.

Really EW/DK's GL is like Lorraine Broderick's AMC on acid. They try to handle the serious issues but in the end mess it up. This being a soap that had handled some quite well in it's history.

Speaking of breast cancer; any mention on GL that it's breast cancer awareness month?

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JSROCKS, ITA with your point. And I do remember Holly/Ross/Blake and think of that everytime I see Dinah with Matt. Of course, it was a lot better last time around.

Dinah's TBI started out really good, with her speach problems and thought process, etc. And EW/DK should have continued showing those types of issues with this condition, but they seem to have used it (again) as a plot point to break up her marriage to Mallet. If GT was not in this role, the wheels would have come off a long time ago.

Hi Michael - NOPE. Not a word about breast cancer :mellow:

Yesterday's show was horrible. Cassie counseling Daisy because "she has no one". GMAFB. Are they ever going to get tired of pimping this character?!? I can't stand Cassie. She should have drown in the lake a few months back, IMO. She is quite obviously EW/DK's golden child. Her marriage to Josh is the only "happy" one in town. Every other couple is broken up when one of them cheats, but not these two! Ugh.

Natalia calling REMY to help with Rafe? WTF? :huh:

And Olivia was back on yesterday. I love CC. I guess her contract stipulated her having to appear, so the writers thought up some pathetic "vigil" for her. What a waste. :angry:

And I don't give a rat's ass about Ava. Why is she still here? :angry:

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Like I've been saying I think DK/EW are tying to make this couple a version of Ed and Maureen Bauer....how idiotic of them.

It's sad that she's been reduced to this. What do DK and EW have against her? Really, they connect both Jeffrey and Ava to her and now this? Ridiculous. CC should have never signed that new contract she would do wonders on DAYS or a ABC soap.

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Ok so the week is over, sonow I can vent.

If TPTB wanted to do crime stories with villians and vindictive women, they should have kept the Santos Family. No body played the vindictive bit ch diva like Carmen Santos and could there have been a more evil person ( male or female ) than her mother. That was one scary smiling grandmother. Even Danny was bad until TPTB ruined him.

Who creates a s/l based on a "green card " marriage--- TIIC that's who. There's Cyrus- the poor man's gigolo, neer do well theft, and "green card " husband. Then there's Griggs who is susposed to be this big time crime boss/person, but who actually comes off as your everyday thug for hire. What a waste of DW's talents. This brings me to Alex ( one of my favorites ). Are we to believe that she would actually have someone kidnapped to keep them away from her "green card " husband. It was bad enough that this member of the towns wealthest family was desperate enough to even consider a "green card " marriage, but funding a kidnapping to keep him ---PLEASE!! There is nothing I can say about Marina other than--- she is no Michelle Bauer-Santos, even on a good day.

If this nonsense doesn't end soon, I'm going to have to stop watching for a while.

Rant over-- didn't mean to take up everyone's time.


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