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ATWT Comings and Goings

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I hope neither the vets, nor Grayson or Terri leave ATWT. If Terri does, I hope she turns up on DAYS, maybe as Sarah Horton. Terri would also made a great Babe on ATWT, better IMHO than Amanda Baker(NuBabe to be). If Grayson leaves, I'd like to see him on DAYS, GH or ONE LIFE and for Brian Bloom to return as Dusty.

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Both Grayson and Terri do have contracts that are up this year. I had guessed that Grayson might leave but there was an interview in SOW last week where he said he hoped he would be around a long time, My guess is they are willing to give him generous outs and so he is willing to stay and have flexibility to work on other projects. At this point, I will be surprised if he leaves.

I don't know what to think about Terri. A year ago it wouldn't have surprised me at all. Now with all of the story and airtime she is getting who knows. I have no idea on that one. At the same time while she has fans, she is not a real popular character.

I wonder about some of the vets that we have no idea on their contracts. I do know Tom/Scott just signed a new contract and Margo/Ellen signed one in the last year I think, so it isn't either of them.

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Ooooh...I forgot about that. I think it was supposed to be the first week in September, to go to PL's wedding. There should be a brief "Katie Free Zone" about the middle of October. *happy dance*

I wouldn't miss either Teri or Grayson if they go. I wouldn't think these rumors have anything to do with the vets. There's always a question mark around Cady with her on recurring...maybe Ewa doesn't plan on stick around either? I'm not quite seeing who fits the "high profile" quotient. With the recent influx of 20-somethings (plus rumors of Bonnie, Billy and Casey being recast), I almost think it's referring to Jen Landon and Jesse Soffer.

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The bad thing there is that she does have alot of fans, but alot of them don't watch anymore ever since Mike left the show and Simon left the show, so that is what makes it even worse for alot of us is that we are getting craploads of Katie and yet her real fans are not even watching, and most of us don't care about her, so why keep pushing her on us. I like Terri as an actress, but the character became useless to me after her and Simon got done, I loved them together, but every other thing they have done with Katie since then has failed and this Kack is the worse of them all.

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You guys are more optimistic than me! You honestly think they would risk losing Terri or Grayson, two actors who never seem to be without a story? Look what they are loading the cast with: young people! The vets are going! Who knows which ones, but this isn't going to be anything good.

Many worry that Helen Wagner is in poor health because of her lack of screentime, but we never see the Hughes. Why would she be on if the Hughes family is never on? Eileen Fulton isn't on either. I wouldn't count out an exit for Colleen Zenk Pinter either (or Bob and Kim). It's also possible some of these actors will be knocked to recurring which means we'll never see them.

Everyone is going to pay for the low ratings except Passanante. First they fired all of those breakdown/script writers, now the cast is going. Goutman's friendship with Passanante is clouding his judgement.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Sep 15 2007, 04:58 AM)
You guys are more optimistic than me! You honestly think they would risk losing Terri or Grayson, two actors who never seem to be without a story? Look what they are loading the cast with: young people! The vets are going! Who knows which ones, but this isn't going to be anything good.

Yes I do think they would risk it. Terri has expressed displeasure in the soap mags. I think that is why we have seen so much of Katie and why they tried pairing her with one of the most popular actors on the show, but was it enough to make her stay? She does want to do a sitcom.

I disagree that Grayson is never without a story. He has really only had minor stories since the death of Jen with greatly reduced airtime. If he stays, and I think he may now, it will be because he is happy working so little because he has time to do other things and they will agree to an easy out if he wants to leave mid-contract.

I am worried about the vets and think at the least they will have their guarantees reduced. Does anyone know though what vets have contracts up? It's also possible some of them want to retire.

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