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That story kind of never sounded true.  I don't know how you or an agent or coach isn't watching the updated list and I'm sure they're told that it's changed and to make sure you check for updates...or they must list the drugs that were added.  And then the whole discussion about a protected ranking.  They didn't give Monica jack when she came back.  They let her in tournaments if I remember, but not ranked.  



I know he's had several strokes - has his health been so bad for several years and that's why you don't see him at tournaments?  It's been years it seems like.  

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It was a lie and Maria got more narrative and understanding than anyone else ever would have, especially Serena.  Her coach used to tell her to take 5 pills for "special" matches...code word for Serena matches.  Those pills were never about Maria's health.  They were always PEDs and WADA finally recognized them as such!  

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