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Which Soap has the best sets?

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Loving had the worst set. The light was yellow, it was really horrible!

I remember, in France at 8.30 am it was Loving, and at 9.00, it was b&b. There such a difference of quality of settings, lights... between both. b&b was by FAR the best!

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Loving oddly apparantly was always a minor hit in France. I actually liked some of their setsfrom what I remembered--The Alden mansion, etc... The City of course had interesting sets because for the most part they tried to use "sets" as little as possible (Sidney's loft did become the main set for The View though)

I know that when Ryan's Hope ended AMC and OLTL flipped a coin to see who would get the bar set--I believe OLTL won. What set did it become?

Someone mentioned kitchens--I'm always surprised kitchen sets aren't used more--they're such great places to have conversations happen that might not otherwise--while someone's making dinner, etc. It used to be that the kitchen set was a soap opera cliche--the stereotypye that soaps were largely two people in the kitchen talking about someone else's problems with a cup of coffee. now I can hardly think of one.

One thing I do like about OLTL's sets that I don't see in AMC (the other soap I watch the most) is that youa ctually see people's places where it looks liek they don't have a lot of money--on AMC all the characters feel and seem pretty rich to me right now--even ones that in theory shouldn't be. A few years ago we had some sets I liked that looked a bit more realistic--Maggie's flat looked like one a student could possibly be renting out (though it was probably alrger than most could afford) etc but lately (under the current EP?) the AMC sets are starting to look more and more samey I think. And why did they bother renovating the Chandler's main room again?

I love ATWT's sets but they currently seem to be worse than any show except GL at reusing the same sets with characters that it's not too plausible would use them (even the SNyder Farm set--love to see it--and there's a kitchen set--and I guess it's been around since the early 80s but so many times over the Summer characters would be hanging out there and I'd just think "why are they there?" especially as it's meant ot be a bit out fo the city and not super convenient to get to...)

The lower budgets are too bad though. Maybe it was just my younger less cynical imagination, but I remember when I became a huge AMC fan around 1991 and how elaborate and real the sets felt to me--Wildwind had several rooms not just the main foyer and maybe one or two bedrooms, Erica actually ahd a house to suit her, etc


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GL by far has the worst sets on daytime. Imean you can count how many sets they have. All of their major events happen on Main Street which is very sad. I mean they have had funerals, weddings, school registrations, and etc on that tiny set. I feel sorry for the set designer, knowing that they will never be up for an EMMY like ever.

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Overrated? Really? OLTL sets are pretty darn good IMO, though I'm not fond of the docks though. Why would anyone want to go there and have a conversation puzzles me.

EricMontreal, OLTL still uses their kitchen sets while characters have conversations there. I do agree soap should have more scenes there.

GL actually surprised me on Friday. The Spaulding charity event wasn't held on Main Street! They used the now disjointed Beacon lobby set for it.

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I love DAYS sets. The Horton house, Bope's house, The Brady Pub etc. The best thing about Salem Place was that it was outside. Too bad it never came back after the rebuilding thing that was going on out were the set was placed. That's why they took it down from the beginning, but then it never returned. But all together I like these sets.

I kind fo like B&B's sets, but at the same time I don't for some reason. I like the details. It feels like someone actually did the decorating in those mansions. I don't like the dull offices though. I know a office is what it is, but it's still boring to look at as a viewer.

ATWT. I like theirs. 3,5/5.

GH's sets are just boring.

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GH's current sets seem so generic and lackluster, which is quite perplexing to me. I guess this kind of proves JFP doesn't have as much power at GH as she did on SB,GL,AW, and OLTL. When Jill first got her hands on GL and AW especially, she ordered new sets that were grand, spacious, and very intriguing, however, it doesn't look like GH has benefited much from her keen sense of production values.

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