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Which Soap has the best sets?

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They aren't comparable at all, P&G always imposed more severe budget cuts on GL, than ATWT. However, GL has gone over budget several time, which hasn't happened on ATWT. I know Rauch and Conboy were accused of spending GL's money like water. I know Conboy spent over a million dollars on a baseball set, which was only used ONCE. Those two are perhaps single-handedly responsible for why GL is in the predicament it's in now. Also, you have to keep in mind that ATWT has traditionally done better than GL in terms of overall viewers, which does factor in some way or another.

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However, the lighting on GL during the Rauch era was so bright that it looked like the entire cast jumped into a vat of Crisco. I remember seeing the changes Conboy first made and I was very pleased. Of course, that was when Millee Taggart and Carolyn Culliton were writing the show.

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I agree with that. The lighting was a complete 180 of what it is today, far too bright instead of way too dark. And it always looked like the camera lens was covered in vaseline which really annoyed me.

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I agree with other posters that the lighting plays an important part,especially on videotape,which can look very harsh,with shadows falling on actors' faces.It puzzles me how the lok of a show can change for the worse when a new producer comes in.Perhaps it is a budget thing and less time is taken lighting the sets.

I remember an article from years ago,when Mary Ellis-Bunim took over ATWT and talked about key lighting -where special lights were placed depending on where actors were placed on the set to present them in the most attractive and flattering light.I imagine this would take extra time and expense.

In terms of sets,I agree that the Newman Ranch needs a makeover.I recall it was redecorated in the late 80's by Cassandra Rawlins.Surely millionaires would indulge in a spot of renovation in almost 20 years!

Occasionally the set was extended to show the dining room and it looked a little more convincing.

The Abbott set always annoyed me because the floorplan makes no sense... and that tiny staircase!The same applies to Katherine's house.

When soaps started making the rich people in town multi millionaires the budget couldn't depict their lifestyles an the sets were not up to scratch.

I did like the Williams house on Y&R.

Also,the Horton house on DOOL looked realistic.On old clips,a dining room,a terrace and study were shown.I wonder when and why they were phased out.Hopefullythat set will be seen again.

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You're equating GL's sets to the ones on GH? :blink:

Each time, I think, the show's are up for renewal, the budget for both ATWT & GL decreases. Next renewal date: July 2008.

You're equating the Passions sets to the ones on GH? :blink:

First Rate

GH, Y&R, B&B

Second Rate

OLTL (the most overrated sets), ATWT, Another World, Loving, Ryan's Hope, Santa Barbara, DOOL, AMC

Third Rate

GL, Passions, Port Charles, Sunset Beach

Rauch & Conboy did mismanage GL's finances. I wonder how they are with their own money/assets?

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