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OLTL Discussion: Week of August 13th

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of August 13th, 2007. It looks to be another fun week on OLTL. This week will feature a ton of great stuff, including Asa's funeral, the return of several fan favorites, more Langston, Markko, Marcie, Michael and others, and of course the 10,000th episode of OLTL on Friday. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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Totally loved the scenes between Viki and Natalie at Llanfair. It was nice to see them have a great conversation without yelling. I could tell Natalie felt bad for the prediciment that she put her mother in, but I loved that Viki didn't sugar coat it and told her daughter she knew exactly what would happen. I think my best part was when Natalie asked if they were okay and Viki told her always, then Natalie told her that she doesn't take that for granted, and Viki's "You should." such a mother comment. Just great scenes between the two, I thought.

I like Miles. I adore David Chisum, but I think Miles is a goner as far as his longevity on OLTL.

Dorian and Clint just gross me out, can't help it.

The scenes with John/Preist and dead daddy was ignore material.

Am really getting into this "TJ/Tommy" storyline. Can't wait to see what happens next.

I think for me my most favorite part of today's show was the comment Viki made to Dorian concerning Clint about him being her money bag. That was priceless and Viki finally got a good jab in at Dorian and Clint.

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I loved Dorian with the teens. Markko's comments were too much.

I could have did without the John and priest/father scenes. First Rex, now John... and Michael decision to keep it a secret took two days, why does everyone else's need to be a week?

I also love the tension between Marcie and Michael. I can't wait until it all comes out.

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Seriously. I don't what kids do in real life, I don't care to watch it on daytime. Mostly, because OLTL's teen set bores the hell out of me and all the semi nudity in the world won't change that.

The more I see of Thalia, the more I like her. She's even making Antonio likable. Forbes and his Hunny Bunny shout outs are cracking me up. It took me awhile to figure out what he was doing.

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His fans are called Hunny Bunnys (I learned that at SOC). Sometimes he says it under his breath at the strangest times and before I knew that I was like WTF? I think he's ok and I think it's nice that someone cares about their fans. He's never going to be one of the best actors on the show, but I think Jash are cute enough. I have to agree they are over exposed though. I wish they show would let the be happy on the backburner for a few months, but I doubt it.

I like having Todd back. I can't wait to see the TJ story. I wish Todd would let TJ stay with Michael and Marice,

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I have really been enjoying the Marcie and John interaction this week. I will admit I wasn't looking forward to it, but I thought they were great. I like the chemistry between KB and ME. KB and NM are finally getting some good material and I so can't wait for the truth to come out, These two( for me anyway )will be amazing

This tommy story really has me interested in the show again. I liked Casino night but I really hate that Viki lost to Dorian! :angry: I just want to see Viki win over her already. I am getting sick of this.

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I've been enjoying the show this week.

I must say that Sarah amuses me. She is a sarcastic little thing, isn't she? I lauged the other day, when talking about the end of her relationship with Hunter, "you can't get any more over than dead". This is one new addition that I really like.

And what about Viki/Dorian on Wednesday's show? To quote Lindsay, "WOW". The scenes were simple, but kept me glued. This whole Viki/Clint/Dorian situation seems to have turned a corner. Is Viki really done with Clint?

What was with all the references to the old Nora/Lindsay fued? Are they foreshadowing an eruption of that dormant volcano? And, I am suprisingly pleased at how the Bo/Lindsay thing is developing. I never thought it would be possible or realistic for Bo to see Lindsay through new eyes, but like me, he is!

Finally, let's talk Mcbain. John that is. I have hated, loathed and despised that character for so long, that I only grudgingly admit to watching all of his scenes this last week, rather than the typical FF'ing that is usually associated with his scenes. Now that Mr. Easton has been handed a high stakes emotiomal storyline that does not involve one of his "tortured" romances, he is really shining. Color me suprised!

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