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AMC: Friday

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Today's episode, on just one level, sort of reminded me of almost a week's worth of character's talking in their head on DAYS - when I use to watch. I don't know if they still do this, but when I watched DAYS characters would spend 20 minutes of an episode talking in their head on almost every episode.

Overall I'd give the episode a D (I feel generous). There were some moments where I didn't want to laugh at it or cry in horror or where I didn't have my mouth hanging open in shock. And their was some character insight. But that concept so didn't work - I'm thinking this was another brilliant JHC idea (like shaky-camera and such).

I could rank so much on the "I'm afraid" comments. So many good jokes. But I won't. ;)

Beall was the BDW. Kanelos was the SW.

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The preview looks good. They are all waiting for the results.

Today like I said was good, no need for Jonathan too be there. He is so freakin annoying!! :angry: Also the only bad thing I had to say was that Greenlee was freakin whining. "spike was sipposed to be mine!" SHUT UP! :angry:

ETA: This should not have been on Friday. I think it should have been on Monday-Thursday! Not Friday!

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Yes, but was it as riveting and intense as SabineLee knocking over bedpans -- which she, amazingly, seemed to overact as well? ;)

You'd better believe it! I just watched Wednesday's Beall-plotted episode and felt bad for Joanna Cohen having been attached to such a horrible outline. The dialog sucked, with Cohen trying to keep up with Beall's overused 'witty' exchanges, and wasn't able to do what she does best -- write soap opera. I didn't see Thursday's episode yet. And now today's episode, another Beall-riffic episode is getting so much "praise?!" :lol: ROTFLMAO! :lol:


Mandy ain't the damn savior of All My Children, and under Brown and Esensten's guidance, she's even worse.

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AMC needs to stop doing these special episodes. They seem more like a waste of time than anything

Zach blames this on Ryan for driving off a cliff? Are you kidding me? Okay I can get that but how about him and the blackout which ultiamtely set forth the chain of events which led to today. Zach is just as responsible as anyone

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The biggest word. I am starting to hate Zach. I still haven't gotten over the fact that he started that whole blackout that killed embroys and dreams of many parents parenting children. I won't even bring up the fact that he killed potential babies. When he intentially went into that clinic and damaged that generator. I honestly don't understand how Zach's blackout is constantly over looked on this show. He did a major wrong and yet again it's swept under the rug because he's Zach.

No it can't be his fault. Let's blame it all on Ryan. What the hell ever.

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Today's show was pretty meh for me. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Cameron Mathison's monologue was hilarious - his eyes bugged out even more than Judith Chapman's do on Y&R!!! He looked creepy. I wonder where they're going to go with Annie? That kinda has me excited. I loved the Mona mention, I was hoping for a flashback, but at least we got a mention.

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Dark City Ryan

The lights are dimming down upon him and still you see the regular features of Ryan: the ape like chest, the bug eyes that will even scare a person making a sand v a g i n a castle and just about anything it can scare. Yep it looks like the world is crawling down upon Ryan and ready to corner him. Let's just hope Ryan does not suffer from claustrophobia but oh wait he cannot suffer from anything. This is Dynamite Kiddo after all but once those lights go out it will spell DOOM but Ryan being the dufus he is thinks that DOOM is spelled RYAN IS BRIGHT. Ahh wrong-o! Well he gets another one wrong just like he cannot spell RYAN IS A MORON since he hates to admit the truth. Well the truth is that the world is coming down and not letting Ryan escape just like he escaped to Canada to bother the Canucks drinking their beer after watching Debbie Does Ottawa with Ryan thinking she actually does do the city's features: the fire hydrant (that would be just to dogs only), the post office, the restaurant that serves p e n i s pie, the grocery store which gives Hos a discount every time they shop there (Ryan would be saving about a million dollars a year by being the biggest ho. The bigger the HO, the more you save. God bless Canada). While the places get dark around Ryan, we just wonder what he could have done to actually lead to a darkening atmosphere. Maybe not mastering the alphabet did the trick or by entering the fight club and losing his ear, his boxers, his millimeter sized hair

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