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DAYS: Thursday

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I can't believe we haven't gotten one Marlena/Stefano confrontation that lasts more than one scene. Yes, they did have two or three short scenes when Stefano first returned, but it doesn't count when Marlena hardly said a word. They have so much history together, and now they're like complete strangers.

Anyways, on to today's show; from the looks of it, it's finally heating up after a mediocre week.

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This episode is so out of character for Stefano. Stefano DiMera would never, ever, let anyone threaten harm to his beloved Marlena. Ever. He'd kill Rolf, Bart and Andre before he'd let that happen. He wouldn't let them touch a hair on her perfect head (isen't that what he said once?). Good geez, Stefano carried Marlena from the bathtub to the sofa because she didn't have slippers or socks, so she wouldn't have to step on the floor. He worships her. That's how it's been since basically the early beginning of the character. But of course, now it's all about Sami. If this scene was in character, Stefano would tell Marlena he'd let Sami and Lucas go if she stayed and talked to him.

That scene was amazing, btw. At least Marlena could get the job done! She had the balls to shoot the guy.

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It's amazing how differently the show feels when episodes have Stefano in them and when they do not. Obviously, the episodes with Stefano in them are much better, even if he is different and his relationship with Marlena is different. But I too, was frustrated we didn't get more of a Marlena-Stefano exchange (that's why I chose this YouTube and why I started the thread today). To satisfy me wouldn't have even required a flashback to that scene or Stefano to be kind to Marlena (if Stefano is no longer lusting after her then it would make sense for him to be bitter and cold to her out of a feeling of rejection IMO) but just some sort of acknowledgment of the parallels and some words from Marlena talking Sami down or when she was comforting her afterward telling her that she had shot Stefano once trying to kill him and it hadn't mattered because Stefano still lived to bring more misery to their family. That would have been nice. And it was just kind of sad because I think this episode brought home for me not that Hogan doesn't understand the Stefano-Marlena relationship, which I had thought before this point. Now, even worse, I think Hogan just doesn't care.

I also thought it was interesting where Sami was when she had her encounter with Stefano standing right in front of the french doors. There could have been some acknowledgment of that too I thought, but if they blocked that scene so that Sami would have her showdown with Stefano in front of the French doors as an unspoken, implied nod to that history, then kudos to them.

Now enough bellyaching from me about what we didn't get and now discussion of what we did see.

Overall I thought this was a very good episode. The Stephanie-Jeremy stuff didn't bore me to tears and I liked Stephanie reaching out to Adrienne. Nick and Chelsea just suck right now, but whatever. At least there were DiMeras so I could just sort of tune them out thinking about what would happen in the other parts of the episode.

I love, love, love the DiMera power struggle. It's simply fascinating to me. I love that I find myself watching these scenes with Joe Mascolo and James Scott and at the same time I'm sympathizing with EJ's torment I'm also finding myself laughing at the way Stefano is mocking him even as I'm soooooo scared of Stefano. They just play very well off each other, as do all the DiMeras IMO, and it's just so much fun to enjoy all the characters in a story rather than just one or two and hating the rest.

What was up with Stefano mentioning the possibility that EJ is not his son in today's ep? Foreshadowing much? I don't think this is the first time there has been a veiled reference to this. I just hope it comes out that Tony is his dad if they change the paternity. One thing I don't like though is Hogan's "be a man" crap all the time. We get it, Hogan. You think the men on Days didn't have balls before you came along so they have to have sex with anything that moves and boss around the silly, unstable women they are sworn to protect or call out and embarrass and toss aside the disgraced whores they may have once shared a bed with all to prove their manhood. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OVER THE CHAUVINISM of this writer.

I'm also picking up more and more on little clues that lead me to think Sami will marry EJ to end the feud or attempt to end the feud, which should fit in with Hogan's chauvinistic writing quite nicely. They had Marlena and Lucas discussing Sami's need to play hero to her family so I think that now that she's found out she can't kill Stefano she'll try to start coming up with new ways to end the vendetta. They also had EJ saying something to Sami about how the two of them can work together to end the feud. Hmmmmm. But even if that was just talk, in any event, I found that good DiMera, bad DiMera thing when Sami had the gun up to Stefano's chest just fascinating to watch. Even if Sami was crazy and over the top, I still love feisty, crazy Sami much better than weepy and emotional doormat. Oh poor EJ being banished from the family and the tear at the end. Awwwwwwwwwww.

Can't wait for tomorrow's ep. :D

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Agreed. It seems to be that Hogan/Meg and the writers of this episode don't get the history of Stefano/Marlena. There's so much history between these two and Stefano treats Marlena like a stranger instead of his Queen of the Night. I couldn't believe he ordered EJ to shoot everyone including Marlena.

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Yes I am one happy camper.I had stopped watching DAYS OF OUR LIVES here because I got sick and tired of Steffano's obsession with Marlena.And I am so very happy that they are keeping JARLENA together without Steffano trying to kidnap her.I comeback and now I'm happy.

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I can't believe this, but I didn't hate Jeremy today. As others have stated this week, the haircut has somehow helped, although I don't know why. The biggest part, though, is that I'm getting the feeling more and more that there is another layer to this story...like, maybe this isn't even the real Jeremy. Steve did mention identity theft yesterday and Adrienne made a point of asking about his parents, who Jeremy admitted he hadn't spoken to for a long time. Just a thought.

Nick and Chelsea are still boring. He's so stupid to let Chelsea treat him the way she does! First, he made arrangements yesterday to give her all that money (why?????) and now today he's offering to be her own personal spy. I just don't get it.

Sami was obviously out of her mind today, but much more interesting than when she's playing Stepford wife for Lucas. The DiMera scenes were great as usual (forget the Stefano/Marlena storyline, folks--the writers have!). First off, Stefano has nerves of STEEL for walking right into that gun. No wonder he keeps calling EJ a coward. In her right mind Sami would not have pulled that trigger, but today she was teetering on the edge and who knows what she would have done. And when Stefano turned away and told EJ to "destroy them all"--I actually felt shivers up and down my spine! Great scene. And EJ--first off, I have a feeling we got some foreshadowing with that remark of Stefano's about EJ not being his son. Secondly, the conflict raging within EJ is so fascinating to watch. He can go two ways here--good or evil. Love for his father on one side; love for Sami on the other. Which will he choose and what will he do next?

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I really enjoyed todays show..The scenes at the Dimera mansion were so intense..Kudos to Ali, Joseph, and James...Stefano antagonizing Sami was incredible...and i loved the end with Sami vowing to find out what caused the feud in Ireland..The love letter part is getting boring, but i'm willing to wait that out, to get to the good stuff..We have to remember that Colleen is murdered at some point..

Jeremy, Steph, and Adrienne was good...As was nick and Chelsea...But these stories have been on all week...I'm ready for a little break from them..This crew really only should be on a minumum of 3 days a week...We really could have used some John this week or more Hope..Or even shown some Brady's waiting for Roman to recover..

Tomorrows show likes great, can't wait for the action..

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You may have something here - I would love it if he has stolen Jeremy's identity. That would be a good twist. Maybe bring back Mike (Michael T. Weiss please) to expose him. He hasn't been seen in years so that could be why no one recognizes him. Wishful thinking but we can dream!

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Today was great.

Good seeing Adrienne and finally see mentioned her kids. They really need to explain where Justin is and at least tell us why she has moved to Salem and why we don't see her husband or kids. I like Stephanie moving in with her and I agree there is more to this Jeremy thing. Identity theft is a good theory. Interesting. I, too, would love to see Weiss return but I don't see it happening.

Chelsea/Nick was very well done. They were back to what makes them great and boy did Chelsea's mod change from the last two months. She was completely different today...smiling and all giggly. I liked her little scene of tension with Jeremy. I like the Touch the Sky story but the young cast needs a break in the worst way.

The hospital scenes that followed into the mansion scenes were superb. All the actors did a great job. I love Lucas being much calmer now and Sami has her spunk back. Hope that keeps up. Finally we got some intensity in the scenes. Loved Bart getting shot. He was hilarious calling for Rolf and then closing his mouth. Lucas and Marlena entering was a shock with how it happened and Stefano was in rare form with his putting himself in front of the gun. Liked the end where Sami was determined to learn the truth. Stefano slapping EJ and "cutting the cord" was very gripping. JS is playing all the beats so well. You can feel the conflict.

I like that the Marlena/Stefano obsession has been dropped. Let's remember it was hardly ever mentioned under SSM or Langan except a few times (right before Sami's execution and J&M's wedding it was alluded to). I think Stefano is still obsessed but he is dying and has other issues. If and when he is cured, he will focus on her and those he wants destroyed. Or, perhaps, he has changed and no longer cares. Alot happened since Stefano left in 2001 and perhaps his being sick has changed him. I love the current version and the fact that he isn't some cartoon supervillain. He is like a mafia godfather and it's more grounded that way and better IMO.

Tomorrow looks great!!

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