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ATWT: Monday July 30 Episode

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I think it's nuts that they didn't pick up right on Friday's cliffhangers....c'mon. I want to SEE Katie sweat this out!!!

I think Parker's being extremely polite to Craig, in lieu of the fact Craig ran his Aunt off the road, then planted his stolen son in Parker's home for Carly to take care of and fight Gwen over. Carly WOULD NOT want Craig anywhere near her children.

What is with the weird Paul "dream"? I do marvel on how black and white Paul looked into a colorized world...but I don't think dream sequences really work.

Craig/Meg...whatever. Just let'm bang and move it along.

New chica Sophie didn't seem like a horrible actress. Which isn't as snarky as it sounds, not with ATWT's track record. I have no clue what "connection" she'll end up having in Oakdale. Y'know....about the only adult male without a long-lost child is Jack.

Dusty/Ali/Aaron...yawn. Not because it's bad...but I feel like they've had this convo before, several times.

It was nice seeing Babs.

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Loved seeing Rosanna and her lovely hair.

Barbara is such a sweet, kind, loving mother. :D

Where is Emma, anyway? With all those relatives, extended relatives and non-relatives running through her house, you'd think she'd want to be there to keep an eye on the place. :o

I have to say I'm loving Craig. I haven't enjoyed the guy since Scott Bryce left the role. I'm so glad he's back.

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Sophie is pretty cute and like PJ said, she doesn't seem like a bad actress.

Yeah, I hate it when happens. It's one of my pet peeves. Episode continuity is very important to me. LOL

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I was surprised they didnt pick up where Friday's show ended.

Craig and Meg are just plain boring together. Craig needs someone else. Meg is such a bore.

I liked Sophie considering she is a newbie. I saw more chemistry with her and Aaron than Ally and Aaron.

I am tired of the whole Dusty/PornAli/Aaron garbage. It is the same dialogue everyday. I wish the writers would move all of the storylines along. They are moving way too slow.

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