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ATWT: Monday July 30 Episode

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OMG! :o

Easily the best episode of the past three months!!!!

I love QueenBitch Babs. It looks like CZP's lisp is starting to wear off. :huh:

Well... I loved Craig kissing Meg. I'm always "excited" when the guy pulls in the girl who is angrily fighting him and then gives in to kiss him *fans self*

Parker is evil. :( Craig had more chemistry with that kid than Paul ever did.

[sarcasm] Yay. Carly gets bitched out tomorrow :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]

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I thought the Paul/Parker stuff was one of the few highlights of the dull (and sometimes disasterous stuff coughKackcough) and dreary beginning of this year.

I love Scott Bryce, but I hate how the writers roll out Bryant's (and Lucy's) name as some way to "humanize" Craig. I thought Parker was snotty, but children pick up their parents' attitudes about people, and both Carly and Jack have plenty of reason not to trust a word Craig says.

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I thought today's show was ok, kind of boring at times. I found Sofie to be a good actress but the character so far is doing nothing for me, but I will give her time just like I do everyone new. I am getting scared with all the Bryant mentions lately I hope we are not headed for a back from the dead storyline here. I love history mentions but I hope that is all it is.

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I would love to see Todd Rotondi return as Bryant. But not as back from the dead. We saw him die onscreen. Maybe some scenes like Ro and Paul had today. Bryant telling Dad how bad he has been since his death. I know Scott Bryce would nail the scenes with Rotondi.

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I must admit, I was enchanted by Sophie...I mean, thank GOD she didn't come popping out of an orange crate :P It's going to be intersting to see how things transpire between her, Aaron the guy who's supposed to be featured as her boyfriend, and Alision.

Paul's first words when he woke up was in fact Rosanna...then Meg....Meg is definitely going to be an after thought by both Paul and Craig....I can see that a mile away...Just when Meg's pathetic butt will fall for Craig all over again, Rosanna will not only return at the same time Paul does (just another hunch) but both Craig and Paul will both gravitate towards her, while Meg once again plays second fiddle and question why she can't hold on to someone that doesn't have a past love coming back into the picture.

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I really don't think we have to worry about a back from the dead story for Bryant. I think it is all a part of trying to humanize Craig and do some backtracking of some of the things he has done over the years to make him more likable again. It also seems like the show is trying to bring up some past things a little more than they have done in recent years, just as part of history.

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You all have such high standards. :blink: If you take the Parker/Craig/Meg/Holden and Rosanna/Paul/Barbara scenes and ignore everything else, Monday's show was fantastic! It actually made me go on a soap marathon (since I also watch Days and GL) to catch Tuesday's show as well. And that rarely happens nowadays.

I like Sophie okay and think her and Aaron work waay better than Aaron & Alison. Speaking of Alison, I still can't stand the new actress. Her snottiness seems to grow by the day. I also think this little connection she has going with Dusty is a little pukeworthy.

Loved the special effects and the direction they took with Paul's coma and him seeing Craig & Meg together. I didn't care too much to hear that Rosanna was coming back but I enjoyed her scenes with Paul. It reminded me that I liked them once upon a time.

LOVED the Craig/Parker scenes! Their relationship so far is proving to be quite interesting. Parker was being such a horrid snot to Craig even though he had a point and it was nice to see Craig take his insults with dignity. I originally liked the Meg/Craig relationship when Scott Bryce first came into the role than stopped caring when the writing started to suck ass but today, it's like the show got a completely new writing team for certain characters. I've always thought that Marie Wilson & Scott Bryce had a great rapport and they've been proving it for the past couple of days. I like how Meg is starting to see (even unwillingly) that Craig really does care about her and I love how Craig gets her more than she does herself. I also like how even though Meg has been acting like some saint, Craig calls her on her crap. I think they have a wonderful love/hate relationship going on and it's great to see that TPTB are finally starting to milk it for what it's worth.

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