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AMC: Monday, July 23

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Isn't it so annoying! It's like every scene she is in we have to be beaten over the head with the fact that she has low self esteem. I got it the first 15 times they did it. I don't need them to keep showing it to me. I mean at some point it's just pathetic. She's doing cocaine in a boat house at dark and crying. Did you hear the melodramatic music! It's obvious we're supposed to feel sorry for her but i'm just to through with her pity parties. Ava is fastly becoming annoying and one-note and even Levenn can't bring life to this role. I don't care if she's nominated again for an emmy with this latest storyline. The character of Ava is a horriable one dimensional joke of a character.

Moving on to Greenlee, I don't know what to really say. I do feel for her for all that she went threw with 2005 and I guess she did have a minor psychotic break and I do have some minute amount of sympathy for the character of Greenlee (more or less because of the awesomeness Greens once was when Rebecca was in the role). But I can't bring myself to care for this current Greenlee. The fact of the matter is that Greens put Spike in danger and also is the reason Kendell starts going back into premature labor with her current unborn baby. She has put children at risk and that's something I just can't feel sympathy for.

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Well the only thing I have to say about Greenlee is that yes she tried to turn the car around but she should have not even taken Spike in the first place. She is a phyco! But I understand where alot of you are coming from. Yes Greenlee may see like a crazy person but she has feelings. In late 2005 she was hurt when she found out that Kendell is carrying hers and Ryans baby and I guess she still felt this attachment to Spike.

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According to Doctor Joe, Kendell stopped her contractions that were putting the baby in jeopardy. At the end of today's episode they said the baby was fne and that her contractions stopped. In the previews they have Kendell screaming that Greenlee stole her baby (Spike) which in turn makes Kendell start having the contractions again. (I am assuming from previews so I maybe wrong). But if Kendell starts having contractions again due to the fact that Spike is missing due to Greenlee's kidnapping then she put baby Zendell in harm as well.

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I'm with Venus and ks on the topic of Greenlee.

Kendall pulled the car over after she saw the pain wasn't a one time thing and told Babe that she obviously couldn't drive, for her to drive.

On the other hand, Greenlee saw her devestated friend was going into premature labor and might lose her baby, and decided to kidnap her friend's other baby because she decided she deserved him at that moment - and then got into a car accident when she changed her mind because she couldn't handle the kid's crying. Whoopsie! If Greenlee would have just followed Kendall and Babe instead of having a mini-mememe breakdown, as usual (the courtroom dress ripping, throwing Laura off a boat, etc...), that accident wouldn't have happened.

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The same place the PV ocean comes from, R ;)

On a less serious note, but on a serious note nonetheless: Aidan, Del and JR had so much HoYay going on today. I thought things were about to get "dirrrty" right there on the Comeback pool-table with the three of them. I haven't seen that much HoYay (homosexual chemistry to the newbies) between male characters on AMC since 2004.

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After last Thursday and Friday's episodes, this one was a huge letdown imo. The Kendall baby drama was good, but it wasn't as suspenseful imo as Friday's episode.

First off, there was no meaningful or insightful dialog on Monday. At least last week had the great JR/Tad & Colby/Adam conversations on Thursday and the Colby/Tad conversation about Liza on Friday.

Secondly, the Wildwind folk pulled out some of the worst groaners ever. If the Fusion woman keep coming off as high schoolers, these people were acting like junior high kids yesterday.

Thirdly, I'm so sick of Ava that I really just want Jonathan to kill her and then himself. She's on way too much and her character is not that well developed in the first place.

Finally, Del's comment about JR never having lived without servants was a slap in the face to longtime viewers who know that Dixie not only raised him with Tad for most of his young life, she also took JR to West Virginia in the mid 1990s where he had no access to the Chandler lifestyle. Del used to know that since Dixie kept in touch with him enough to report on his split with Kendall when she returned to Pine Valley a few years later. This type of rewritten history needs to stop when B&E arrive!

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Ignoring all the other ALB propping garbage, I'm curious about one thing: Why was Del's comment such a slap in the face to longtime viewers? JR's been living with Adam since high school ever since Dixie "died." Except for that year he bolted aboard that tramp steamer, JR could've very well grown accustomed to living with servants.

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It was a slap in the face because they completely ignored JR's history with Dixie and Tad when he lived like a "normal" kid for the vast majority of his life until he became an adult (and they are even ignoring that Del is even his uncle). ICAM with Steve. I hate when history is re-written like this. I hate that Tad and JR have not mourned Dixie and that everyone (especially Tad and Josh) have forgotten that he buried Madden. I despise that Jonathan is only obsessed with women (first Lily and now Ava) and never really dealt with the ramifications of killing four people. Things like this (and other things) have really turned me off to the show alot.

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OMG! How the hell is history being rewritten when the JR character has spent the PAST FOUR YEARS of his adult life living in a mansion with servants, lots of money and was CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation? Why is it so out of the realm of possibility that Del and the others would think JR, who is literally going from one lifestyle to the other overnight, wouldn't be too keen on doing his own laundry and cleaning up after himself? So where was history rewritten? JR, himself, even mentioned being on a tramp steamer for a year as a comeback to that horrible, horrible, revisionist history line of Del's.

I mean, hell. If y'all wanna scream about longtime viewers being smacked in face, run with it. But I didn't even think it was anything more serious than just a dig at JR -- a dig which JR responded to by using history.

I agree.

I agree.

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Del asked if Richie Rich has ever stood on line in a checkout aisle. The history that is being ignored is that Del is JR's uncle and has lived with him for awhile when he was a child. He knows how JR was raised and that Tad and Dixie would have taken JR to a grocery store where he had to wait on line and that he had him make his bed and do chores. The history that is also being ignored is that Del lived at Chandler Mansion when he arrived back in town with JR and lived the same spoiled life. Del has ALWAYS mooched off a relative or friend (gotten housing in a mansion always and with no rent, gotten jobs, kidneys, etc.) so he is the last one who should be talking to JR about living the rich life. At least JR inherited it whereas Del mooched it. I do agree it was digs at JR but it was inane and made little sense based on history - couldn't they ragged him about something else like losing CE to Zach? I found most of the conversation at the bar inane and annoying anyway. I do agree with many of your noted issues about Amanda Beall - she does not impress me AT ALL.

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