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Primetime Soaps

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Thanks Carl, Wind on Water. And yes, I remember The Monroes, I was very excited about that one back in high school. It filmed not far from me. Bill Devane and Susan Sullivan.

A Lisa-less episode of Our Private World was shown on WoST, I don't really remember what was going on.

I was watching an archive interview of Lee Grant a few weeks ago and they spoke a little about her Stella Chernak. I'll have to check out PP sometime soon. My mom used to say how when she was coming up parents would put their kids to bed before "grown folks'" PP came on.

In his archive interview, Nolan Miller speaks about working with Lana Turner on Survivors. I'd really like to see that one too, I belive WoST had a promo of that as well.

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Bill Bell helped create it, btu did he write it? The only writing credit I've found is Shaw's (I almost wonder how involved Irna was with it--as Chris says, after reading for years how it was CBS' attempt at competition for Peyton, Ihave no idea how they thought something so cheap could compete). I thought the episode was on youtube but I can't find it now..

Irna came to Peyton after theoriginal pilot--she suggested some changes that made the show soapier. I wish I knew exactly her full involvement though--I got the impression it was basically all in the set up not the on going story--she isn't given official credit anywhere with the actual show. Of course like most primetime tv the individual script writers are given credit each episode--Shaw (who briefly headwrote several daytime soaps I believe) and Mathilda and Theodore Ferro seem to have written the most (they did Leave it to Beaver of all shows but also briefly seemed to be tied into the early daysof General Hospital).

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Chris, I haven't watched it yet, but the description on youtube says this is the clip where he discusses working on Peyton Place (and writing the final episode) His talking about PP starts at 17:15 (he does get the date wrong--but I guess he came in after it started) (he talks about the daytime spin off, and lack fo a bible for the original briefly in the next part)

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Oh lord...now I have to watch this. I don't expect it to be anything like Prisoner is so far (I'm only up to episode 15...will be trying to get #16 in very soon), but I'm interested.

Prisoner, though, is epic. Crazy, crazy bitches, and I love each and every one of them. If James Mitchell were still with us, Vinegar Tits would still be my avatar.

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Prisoner was big on Aussie TV at the time.Carol Burns as Frankie was a sensation but she didn't get caught up in the hype and left when her contract was up.The network spliced all her scenes together and screened as a TV movie called 'The Frankie Doyle Story".

They also did a 60 min variety special with different cast members in production numbers.

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Okay, now I see that Reg Watson wrote Dangerous Women. I had no idea that they copied some of the original Prisoner storylines, like Lynn Warner's.

Should we discuss Prisoner here? Because it's technically a primetime soap, but I figure it'd be more at home in its own thread on the Foreign Soaps board. And now that I know that I'm not the only one who's a fan, I am SO ready to discuss. When I tell you that I am obsessed, I seriously mean obsessed. I knew they had me hooked for life the second I saw Franky and Doreen dressed up as nuns.

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I'm so willing to talk Prisoner--and if some actual heavy conversation picks up here, my OBSESSED friend from Aussie might be persuaded to join too lol (He spent something like 1500 bucks on the complete set...)

Yesterday, due to a wind storm I was without cable and my internet for a while, and ended up watching 12 episodes of Peyton Place back to back--and got very little sleep for work. So I'm on disc 2 of the second set and am so hooked I think I'll have to give in and buy the online bootlegs of the full series--can't wait especially since Shout! is having some issues licensing more.

One thing as a Twin Peaks fan I really notice is how much of a direct influence PP was on TP--I know Lynch and Frost always said they were fans of PP but I assumed it was just similar in terms of being a soap... I have read from a few people that the last season or so (when much of the original cast, and most of the older actors are ignored) is rough going...

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Either here or in that Ladies of Primetime Soaps threads, Titans came up, how it was an attempt at taking some of the Melrose success and really doing an all out new over the top Dynasty. Someone commented how odd it was that so little of it was on youtube--by chance I came across some obssessed John Barrowman fan who has several hours of Titans on youtube--but edited to mainly revolve around his character. Still, might be of interest to some, lol


20 of those clips

Oh and a short clip of a young Kevin Zegers as the teen

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