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Days:SOD spoilers

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Because like I said, whether he is a good actor or not, Drake has a huge fanbase that would bring in numbers. And in today's daytime world, Y&R seems to be the place where veteran actors go to when they've moved on from their show.

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Well, he sounded very jaded and pissed in the interview a few weeks ago and admitted he hasn't been happy lately. Drake used to be one who was open and friendly with the media and, in the last few years, he has done very little interviews. Now he is using the media IMO to get through to Days his threats that he isn't happy and will leave when his contract is up. I think it was stupid to mention 2009 but I think he did it to remind the show it needs him or the ratings suck. Too bad Drake forgets that last summer when he was off with Deidre that the ratings didn't budge. In fact, they went up a bit. Drake is acting just like Thaoo did...acting like he is why the show is what it is. If he is going to pull this crap, kill him off and give Marlena something else to do. I am losing alot of respect for him. The guy has had some of Days' best stories and was featured on the frontburner for almost all of his run and yet he complains when people like Renee Jones, James Reynolds, Kristian Alfonso, Peter Reckell, and others have been backburnered (moreso RJ and JR) for long periods of time and don't say a word. Drake needs to shut it. I like him and John but he is on my last nerve. He is one of the big 4 that I feel is expendable.

I also think it's his way of saying he won't take a paycut and, if that is the case, let him go. If everyone else can be a team player and he can't, get him off the show. My one fear is that Corday will ship Marlena off with him but I do doubt Drake will go. Corday is stupid but he knows that he needs to get fans back and Hogan likes writing the vets so he will push Corday and so will the fans. The fans will write in like crazy now to keep Drake so I think he will be fine.

One thing I always wondered was that we were told a Days icon was being let go back in November. It was around the time RJ was let go. I still think it was Drake and that John was supposed to die in January. I think Corday had to get rid of a big name and told Hogan to write the story but then word got out about a big name being fired and Corday balked so he was forced to backburner all of the big 4 because he opted for Drake to stay so he could save cash or whatever. That may be why J&M went months without a story too since things were changing. Just a theory and that could be why Drake is pissed. He may know about that and that is playing into this.

The spoilers are nothing new but sound good.

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Might another possible interpretation be that the "final mission" is to gain fan support and bring back the DiMera/Brady feud and save DAYS? Because of the state of the industry, because of Zucker's comment, and because of his recent backburner situation, could he just be concerned that this gig is up after 20 years (for everyone)?

And I respect all of you, but I have to say I really like Drake and John Black. I thought he did a great job stepping into the role 20 years ago, and I think he's okay today. Maybe he's not the greatest, but neither are a lot of the people on the show. I just don't think Drake can be compared with the Jason Cooks, Farah Faths and Austin Pecks of the world.

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Yeah but what vets haven't been underused on every soap? It could have been worse. He could have been fired like they have done at other shows to vets who have been at their show longer than Drake has been at Days. Drake and his fans don't know how lucky they are. Try being an AMC fan and see Julia Bar forced to leave after 30 years. Or see Stuart Damon fired after 30 years at GH. Or characters like Holly and Families like the Bauers be phased out at GL. How many years have Babs, Tom, and Margo have sat on the backburner while their kids run the show at ATWT? Two or three years?

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Not to mention his very own leading lady who's been backburner on and off frequently since 1998 while he's been in one frontburner story after another. Jones and Reynolds have a reason to complain, but they're always such professionals and speak of the show with such kindness and appreciation. Alfonso and Reckell have been onscreen steadily and had the BIG focus story of 2006.

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"‘What makes Brandon hot? I would definitely have to say his gorgeous baby blue eyes, his wonderful sense of humor and, of course, his amazingly fit body!” -Martha Madison"

MARTHA, you DOG!!! :lol:

I can't believe she said that!!

I thought this girl had a fiance -- who's NOT Brandon!!1

SOMEBODY should be very, VERY jealous right now!!!

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