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Days:SOD spoilers

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Your right. I mentioned KA and PR because they were off earlier this year too yet they weren't bitter and acting like this in the media. Deidre didn't either and she has been backburnered much more then Drake. It annoys me. He is the weakest actor of the big 4 and he acts like the show sucks without him. If he is going to do this, can his ass. I am of the belief he is only popular due to being linked to Deidre for years. I know he was without her for awhile but it's because of her that his character took off. Her fanbase embraced him and then he took off. I feel he is expendable and, if he can't be a team player, he can do. Matt Ashford got screwed for years and the guy never did anything like this. Funny how Drake didn't talk to the media all that much the past few years and starts doing it again to pretty much further an agenda of his. Like I said, I have lost alot of respect for him.

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Well, if Drake would put MORE effort and realism into his acting, maybe he wouldn't be on the chopping block. I have yet to see one GREAT performance in him. I think he's mediocre at best. I'm sorry if it offends Drake fans, but he falls flat for MOST of the writing. Maybe he needs to be reminded that last summer was fine without him. I'd actually prefer to watch Jeremy over John. At least Jeremy gives me something to discuss. IA with everyone who posted he's lucky to have still have a job. So much for that team player.

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Why is it so hard to believe that Drake might leave? If he doesnt leave on his own, then he will most likely be fired before 2009 anyway. Drake Hogestyn, Deidre Hall, Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans contracts on DAYS all expires in 2008. If DAYS is going elsewhere in 2009, then all of these four will probably have to leave the show in order to cut the budget. I know its sounds horrible, but I believe most people know deep inside that this is a possibility and might unfortunately happen.

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Absolutely true.

In that case, I would rather the show just be finished with grace in 2009. The thought of watching some similar version of the show continuing on elsewhere with a bunch of newbies in the frontseat is enough to make me hurl. They may as well just change the name of the show to something different and declare it a spinoff, because that's ultimately what it would be.

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If he is not going to take a pay cut, then he will have a hard time finding a job elsewhere. Paycuts are the norm at every soap. Even Y&R. I also will be pissed if another soap picks him up because all the soaps are pretty much treating vets like crap. Though Days fans think things are rosier at ABC and CBS which is so not the case. They are just as bad or in some cases worse.

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Matt Ashford has been treated very badly by Corday & Co, but has he ever bitched about it in the media? Matt is a class act, he puts the disappointment behind him, and gets involved in other projects(theater and movies).

Drake in comparison is a diva and drama queen, and a hopeless actor. :rolleyes:

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Drake a is huge baby.

It's sad when I don't care if one half of my favorite couple leaves. I just hope if he does, it's not the end of Deidre/Marlena too. In the last couple of years, she's been better in scenes opposite anyone other than Drake anyways. I don't think he backs the pairing anymore and it shows. Maybe she'd be better off if he did go.

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I'd say Drake has as much reason as anyone to be pissed at Days. He, Kristian, Deidre and Peter all have more reason than anyone right now.

If my character were in a coma most of this year, and just had recently awakened, yeah I'd be more than a little upset.

I say GO DRAKE! Give them hell.

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I agree that they all have a reason to be upset, but he comes off as thinking it's all about him. I can respect that he wants to talk, but he's not really saying anything that makes sense. Take a stand, pick a side. I feel like he wants to stir things up without really getting his fingers dirty.

Maybe it's irrational, but I'm annoyed with him.

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If they finish this current storyline properly they won't need Drake anymore so I think what he says is kind of...irrelevant. I won't miss him that much, either. I liked him in the Kristen vs. Marlena story because he was a prop, and he came alive a little bit with the Kate stuff last year, but other than that he doesn't do a whole lot for me.

I don't mind his whining to the media and somewhat cryptic comments. Character thrown in a coma, who knows what went on backstage, a couple solid decades on the show- I can see why he'd vent.

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