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Days: Monday June 11

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Hmm, sounds more like GOOD Roman to me, lol. And really, I loved that he did it "just because." Who among us, if our relative, or a CLOSE, CLOSE FRIEND, were in trouble, and we just KNEW they didn't do it, in a police position, WOULDN'T get them off?

Edit: I have to applaud Ken Corday, Hogan Sheffer, Sony and NBC for those scenes. It's just TOO easy for a soap character to go through a loooooooooooong, drawn-out, innocent but viewed as guilty, trial, CRAP kind of thing. And soap fans just don't go for that anymore, nor do they have the patience. It has to be REALLY GOOD FOR THEM to even try to invest in it. Who cares if Nick would go to trial? No one! lol. It'd just make the show lose viewers. So, thanks PTB for 1) making it realistic by having Roman just say "Screw it, I knew you didn't do it" and 2) for preventing us from the ordeal of a long, drawn-out thing.

I'm SO proud of you.

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Roman played by Wayne Northrop was kind of a renegade who sometimes did things that some might consider unorthodox to capture Stefano and other criminals. Drake's Roman seemed more by the book.

During Gene Palumbo's time as head writer, didn't original Roman agree to handover a confiscated drug shipment to the Torres crime family in exchange for Bo's release? He was later demoted from Commander to Captain due to the illegal methods he used to take down that family.

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I DEMAND that Jeremy be brought up on charges of SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

What kind of message is this sending to "Days"' portion of younger, more naive and impressionalbe viewers?


I mean, I find it SHOCKING that I'm the only one outraged here!!!

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I don't watch Days for "messages" about right and wrong. I am outraged by the tone deaf casting of Jeremy and inexplicable insertion into a big summer storyline, but not concerned one whit what younger, more naive and impressionable Days viewers think about Chelsea getting brushed up by Jeremy. It's not like the human Ken doll would have anything there anyway.

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With his ego? I VERY much disagree.

So, it's bad enough that a guy sexually harassed an UNWILLING woman, but the fact that a WELL HUNG man PRESSED HIS PENIS up against her body is just unforgivable.

I'm sorry but I love how we have all these silly debates about Sami and EJ (whether it was rape or not) when a REAL crime, with NO QUESTION, actually was portrayed on the show.


Use your DAMN PEN, Hogan!

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So I'm officially a Phelle fan now. I never cared for old Phelle but JKJ and Martha Madison's chemistry together noticeably trumps that of MM & Brandon Beemer. :blink:

Days is totally feeling like classic Days again. I love it ! The EJ/Sami/Stefano stuff at the very end made for a great cliffhanger.

Nick & Chelsea..not so much. I used to like them but they're better off as friends.

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So, let me see if I have this straight.

EJ can hold a gun on Sami, tell her unless she has sex with him, Lucas dies, and you call it either prostitution or a business transaction

But, Jeremy comes downstairs, rubs himself up against Chelsea, and he should be arrested for Sexual harrasment.

Ok. I think I have it straight now.

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Pretty much.

From my POV I didn't see anything even close to rape happen there. Yes Sami was scared and yes she was in danger. But thats NOT what made her CHOOSE to have sex wth EJ. Not even remotely. What made her choose that decision was LUCAS and his predicament.

As for Chelsae I'm not sure about the law/rules regarding sexual harassment are but if it is sexual harassment then the guy should pay. BUT only if Chelsae wants to press charges. From what I saw yesterday Chelsae was freaked out at first and a lil uncomfortable. But it was more of, "OMG this guy is HUGE!" and "OMG I'm seeing a guy naked for the first time!" or w/e type of thing. If you noticed at the end of their scenes she had this lil grin on her face. It was cute. I laughed during their interaction together.

And while the actor is hot he really needs to get rid of that fugly tatoo on his leg.

Thats NOT Hot!

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