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I'm glad I'm spoiler free because I would have been pissed at Greenlee's latest delusion. WTF makes her think she has any right to Kendall's son?!?! I hope Erica & Kendall team up on her sorry ass.

So, JR set up the kidnapping to get back at Adam for faking the heart attack? I have a feeling Adam's going to tell the kidnapper that he has no son and then hang up. I just hope this doesn't mean the end for JR/Amanda.

I refuse to watch any of those phony flashbacks. Between those and the Ryannie love scenes, my VCR got a good workout.

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The JR twist shocked me bc I thought for sure Adam kidnapped him. WTH is he so hung up on Amanda anyway?

The flashbacks today made me realize how much I missed Simone and wish they'd ressurrect her but dont see that happening as she was never used

Greenlee looked like a psycho when she said that Spike was hers. She can mess with the grown folks all she wants but she needs to leave the innocent baby out of this. The only way she can get away with this is if they make Spike her biological child and I wonder if they actually will

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If and that's a big IF the writers decide to make Spike Greenlee's biological child, she abandoned him. I'm a supporter of science, but Greenlee is unstable. Too many emotional whacked people lay claim to innocent lives because of shared DNA. Kendall is Spike's mother in every possible way. Greenlee is just using the child as a pawn.

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I've read this on other boards, but it's obvious they trashed Greens to make Babe more likeable. Greens was a brat in her earlier days, but she had matured. This regression makes no sense. And over Ryan? Leo was the love of your life!

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Greenlee's writing has NOTHING to do with Babe. I doubt they brought her on just to prop Babe up. Babe is barely on anymore, has no story and will most likely leave this summer if Alexa walks. People really are reaching to blame Greenlee's behavior on Babe

Greenlee is acting like the way she was when she left. She was a mess those last few months and that continued after she left.

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House of Sand and Ryan

How much more dumber can one person get to pour a whole bunch of sand right into his living room? Seriously Ryan if you want to take your precious Annie Fanny Banany to the beach, then by all means go there in the afternoon and then throw sand on her as much as you want. But the poor floor having to deal with that sand and your stupidity in thinking that it is normal to pour a whole bunch of sand onto a floor! I wonder where Ryan got the idea to do this...maybe it was slipped to him by the ignoramous woman named Missy Testicle as she goes around trying to give p e n i s less people a ball and who knows maybe add a chain. But it would be nice if Ryan would actually have choked on that sand and passed out a slow and painful death that is slower than Roseanne Barr runs a marathon and even slower than Paris Hilton calculating 2+2...maybe Ryan can be saved from the choke if he can manage to write down all of Liz Taylor's ex husbands and of course it has to be correct spelling. Wha ta loser and he needs to go right now. Like off to Timbfuktu to bother the inhabitants and then they stretch his Dynamite Kiddo body parts to death and urine and blood and guts and a special fluid called SuckMeNow comes out of his mouth...the house of sand and Ryan should be burned down and be redder than Donald Trump's cheek as he blushes at Rosie O! A lot can happen but it all boils down to sand and Ryan and if he can magically make it appear on his floor. But can the guy get any dumber? Guess so!

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Oh ITA. He gave Greenlee layers. Richard Culiton is the only writer that truly developed the character of Greenlee into someone you could root for.

Every other time you come off wanting the witch to go off and fall into a hole and die.

So like I said, she is being written in character LOL.

This isn't ruining the character.. IMO she was ruined by McTavish with the whole baby hungry phase. That ust wasn't Greenlee. But this revenge trip she is currently on, that is Greenlee Smythe to a friggin tee!

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JR is such a snake..oh gosh LOL

That was really nice of Sean to let Colby go, and taking the rap for it. Even if he was wrong by sleeping with Ava, it shows he really cares about Colby.

I really hate how they're making Greenlee seem crazy by going after Spike, and I REALLY am starting to like nuGreenlee!

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