Members Angela Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 I didn't enjoy any K/G/R/Z/A momemt more on the show then Kendall telling Annie (and Ryan) off. That's the closest we've got or that we'll ever get to somebody bringing up that Ryan also holds considerable responsibility for the way things unfolded in 2005. Zach wasn't the only party in Ryan faking his death and it's ridiculous that they write it like he was. Zach wasn't the one violently opposed to somebody having his baby, so much so that he almost punched a pregnant woman and ordered her to "terminate" then faked his death - Ryan was. Yes, Zach did wrong thing here, but he didn't do it because he was a monster - you know like the one Annie was screaming to get away from. She didn't have all the facts, and sure all the facts don't change that Zach probably stepped on some other embryo's, sperm and such but on that side of things they did explain that all but one generator picked up at the fertility clinic - so it was somewhat limited. Greenlee and Ryan, as well as Zach and Kendall, hold responsibility for what unfolded in 2005 - it wasn't just Kendall and Zach's stupid decisions - and that's not really recognized especially Ryan's part. If she was just doing the bitch thing it would be fine. I'd hate her but sort of enjoy hating her. But there are these substantial periods where she whines to the 1 billionth degree and it comes off BSC not to mention so annoying. When she was going on about Alice in Wonderland, etc... I wanted a ton of bricks to fall on her. That's not Greenlee. Greenlee was a self-entitled bitcher who was very mean, she wasn't a self-entitled whiner who seemed BSC. ICAM. I do want to slap Sean more than I want to hug him, but that sums it up beautifully. There are rare moments that I actually really can't stand Krystal because she tends to own up. When Babe was going on about how her career went from A to Z and Krystal glossed over it all, that was one of those moments I couldn't stand Krystal. It made me get why Babe acts entitled no matter what - it's Krystal's fault. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Laurie Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 I respectfully disagree with this I see a caring, loving side to Zach...the side that Kendall, Myrtle, Bianca and Lily see Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 You confuse me... Exactly what part did Ryan play? All he did was state that he didn't want children. And Greens? She just wanted his child after his "death"... And the only person who caused the blackout was Zach, so that Kendall would not have Greens' child. Then Kendall, being the brilliant idiot she is, decides that it would be a great idea to use her eggs? MORON! That is what it really sums up to... ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Laurie Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 ^Ryan faked his death/had Zach help him. Greenlee stole Ryan's sperm/agreed to have Kendall be her surrogate. They played parts too in this mess and Zach and Kendall shouldn't be the only ones being held responsible ...Ryan and Greenlee should own up to their ish too in my honest opinion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members All My Shadows Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 I know what you're saying, but I think it should be considered that Annie doesn't know all the facts. I mean, yeah, Kendall told her that she didn't know everything, but what I read in Kendall was that she was pretty much on the attack against anyone who was putting down her husband. If...I don't know, Bianca came in there out of nowhere and started badmouthing Zach, I think Kendall would have jumped on her too. I got the feeling that Kendall was going off just to go off, as if she didn't want to be lead to believe that the "Zach-out" had a lot more affects than didn't even involve them. It's like you've read my mind lol. I want Greenlee to be confident with her bitchiness, to know what she's doing and be not ashamed of doing it. This notGreenlee...she's...I don't even know. She's like a big old Greenlee poser. She's doing these Greenlee-like things, but then she goes find a fricken corner to go cry in, whining her ass off. It's like when your friend is really upset about something (I don't know...their boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on them) and you feel bad for them, but they keep on whining and crying and complaining all the time, so it's like..."I don't care anymore." And that's what I feel like telling Greenlee sometimes. I JUST DON'T CARE! Well, I think it's interchangeable whether you want to slap or hug more lol. As long as you have the urge to do both, I think the storyline is going fine. And I get what you mean about Krystal. But with me, I don't know...I really can't stand her ever since the whole thing with Tad, Adam, and the baby, but there's just a glimmer of good feelings that I have for her every now and then, when it seems that she understands the magnitude of her dirty deeds. Like today, when Colby was reminding Babe and Krystal that they aren't so pristine, and neither one made excuses for the other. Babe did say the dreaded "But we're sorry now and we've learned our lesson," but I think that's just something I'll have to live with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 From what I've read, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, John Wayne Gacey...all had sweet loving sides to them to. You have to admit that Zach has a "take no prisoners" side to him as well when he wants something. And when he does something despicable, no one's life is necessarily in danger. He just does what he wants with NO consequences. Why did Ryan go to Zach in the first place? Because he knows that Zach can make anything happen if he wants to. ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 JR. So Tad willing to let him think his child was dead is not worse than Adam disowning him? Ugh. Since we're not just talking about how Greenlee's life turned out here since you didn't just mention the blackout. All FOUR of them played a part on how Greenlee's life turned out, Greenlee primarily. Ryan had a vasectomy behind Greenlee's back because he was playing mirror-Jonathan. Greenlee knew Ryan didn't want to have a baby and was being extremely violent, yet broke into a sperm bank and stole his sperm and got inseminated with a turkey baster behind his back because it just "had to cure him." When Ryan found out Greenlee was pregnant he then proceeded to nearly punch her (he might have done that if Z/K didn't come in) and order her to terminate. He then decided to wanted to fake his death to protect Greenlee and child from him. Greenlee's true-love Leo died going over a cliff as well, so that was extra sensitive of Ryan to "die" in a similar way. Zach helped Ryan fake his death. Greenlee lost her baby. Kendall told Greenlee she'd carry a Ryan and Greenlee embryo for her. Zach...and Ryan continued keeping Ryan's death a secret. Ryan because he didn't want to deal with Greenlee or babies because he was busy mirroring Jonathan...and Zach because he thought Ryan would end up hurting the women probably physically and he was better off being dead to them. The girls thinking Ryan was dead decided to proceed with the embryo crap, so Zach caused a blackout because he wasn't going to tell them Ryan was alive to stop them. Kendall having just came from getting Greenlee off the ledge of Fusion (and listening to Greenlee spiel about how the Rylee baby was the only thing that was keeping her going) went to the fertility clincic after the blackout and was told embryo's were gone, and sperm had a 24 hour window. She then made the stupid decision to use the sperm with her own egg and give her own baby to Greenlee. Greenlee left town for almost two years even though R/K were begging her not to. Ryan told her he'd reverse his vasectomy. Kendall was more than willing to give her her own baby to make her happy. And Greenlee didn't leave because she knew it would kill Kendall to give up her own baby, she left because the kid was trash to her since it wasn't a Rylee embryo. She comes back and she wanted for Kendall to have never fallen in love with the child after she left them, and for Ryan and Kendall to have sat there depressed and twiddling their thumbs about her having left them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted June 4, 2007 Author Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 Ryan FAKED his death to avoid being a father, Greenlee STOLE sperm and broke into a fertility clinic and ruined some sperm samples in the process-and last I check all this was ILLEGAL. Ryan & Greenlee set all of this in motion JR STFU you pathetic loser Annie FOAD GreenBitch FOAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members LuvZach Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 What Zach did was wrong! But Ryan's actions played much into his decision to do the blackout and yet he stands back and says nothing about it. Zach WITNESSED with his own two eyes what Ryan's reaction was to the news that Greenlee was pregnant. He saw his rage, he saw him raise his fist to strike Greenlee because she was pregnant. He saw him jump over a cliff. He saw Ryan decide to play dead because he didn't want to be a father and didn't want to hurt Greenlee or their baby. That is who Zach was protecting Kendall from. He was protecting her from IAMTHATMONSTER and was afraid if and when Ryan came back, he'd be as barbaric to Kendall as he was to the woman he supposedly loved. YET, all of Ryan's actions have been forgotten and Zach only did the blackout because he didn't want Kendall to have another man's baby. That is why Annie believes he did it and she believes it because ST. Lavery doesn't have the stones to tell her the entire story and tell her how violent he really was. It doesn't excuse Zach's action but it sure as hell explains where his head was at when he did it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 I will concede that I don't think Kendall has ever really looked at this on a "other people" were also effected level (not in a strong way at least), Greenlee isn't looking at it on that level either and that's part of the reason why I have no consideration for her "jail, jail, leave him, leave him" stand - considering her decisions were just as, if not more, responsible for her place in life now as Zach, Kendall and Ryan's decisions. The other part of the reason is I think Greenlee's acting out more so to own Kendall and have her where she likes her, miserable and only having her, not so much because she actually believes Zach is the root of all her problems [sorry for getting a little off topic with all that Greenlee discussion, which is besides the point of this particular discussion]. Both women were/are mad at what Zach did to them, Annie on the other hand is seeing this as "other people" were effected. I still keep my stand of loving the scene because that's the closest Ryan will come to being held responsible for the cummulation of everything that unfolded in 2005 (Kendall giving it to him for not defending Zach and Kendall telling Annie she doesn't know the whole story so back off). I do think Annie's position would be a little less "he's a monster that should be thrown in jail forever" if she did have all the facts (which Kendall pointed out not-so-gently), which she never will get because Ryan's wrongs must never be spoken of with any gumption at all. Greenlee would own up to her bitchiness. She wasn't ashamed of it, she wasn't whining during it, she wasn't whining after it acting like she literally is the poor, wronged party. Greenlee complained but she didn't whine, she owned her bitchiness and she owned the shameful stuff she was doing to get what she wants - even if I hated her during it I respected that. This Greenlee, it's like she's borderline crazy with her going between shades of real Greenlee to poor bad me Greenlee, poor victimized me Greenlee - wahing over 75% of the time. Agreed. Who would have thought the "teen" story would have turned out so decent just like 8-10 months ago? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 I am so damn happy that Kendall remembered who the hell she was and lit into Greenlee. That woman brought on all her own troubles. She owuldn't stop pushing and instigating. Kendall finally took off the kid gloves and slapped her down to earth. Annie needs to get over herself. Her hysterics were ridiculous. I've also reverted to hating Ryan again after enjoying a passing indifference. He set all of this conflict in motion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 First of all, congratulations to Agenda L. Beall. Seriously. She has managed to take Friday and Today's shows and make it seem like McTavish never left. Secondly, I didn't mention last week that Friday was my birthday -- so imagine how disgusted I was at the fact that Firday wasn't only an episode Agenda had a part in, but she WROTE THE DAMN DIALOG -- including Krystal's revisionist speech about love gone wrong in the mansion that turned into a mausoleum. Thirdly, Agenda has managed to FORCE the Carey Whores and this Blackout issue, as usual, with no wiggle room. I mean, really. Where the hell did all of this rage over the blackout come from with Ryan? Wasn't it just last month Zach and Ryan were acting like ADULT co-parents and Zach actually ASKED Ryan to stay on at Cambias? Ryan's an asshole, and leave to Agenda L. to make me remember that. Anyway, I was so disgusted with the vile McTavish stench that clearly is lingering in the AMC air, that I shut the program off with fifteen minutes to go. I FF'd to GH and will watch that later on tonight. Get rid of Beall with the quickness because her shit fests make me gag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted June 4, 2007 Author Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 Sadly I'm starting to agree with you R Sinclair. The Ryan & Greenlee can do no wrong today made me want to punch something. It truly is like the trashbag never left. This is reminsicint of Rylee 1.0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 Greenlee is certifable. She must be crazy to thin that Kendall would give up her husband, the man that she loves and the father of her child for her? She seriously does need to get a life "Papa Boozy and Mama Floozy" BEST quote ever. Adam had me ROTFLMAO Oh and there was a Skye mention! Im glad that AMC still remembers she exists Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted June 4, 2007 Members Share Posted June 4, 2007 The Hunt For Ryan Lavery Oh where oh where has my once favorite character gone off to for the last couple of years? I mean seriously folks I just do not recognize this current Ryan right about now and how they just feel if they morph him into a superhero who can save a dog from being swallowed by a gigantic v a g i n a that it will make me like him but all they got to do is just stick true to the character. I am just wondering when this hunt will be over and we finally get a likeable Ryan back on our screens. Perhaps I am asking for too much in this but I also do not want Ryan to be tolerable just around Annie...he needs to be that way on his own and not with anybody else's help. I am just tired of this Ryan butting into people's lives thinking he knows everything just like he can know Zsa Zsa Gabor and Liz Taylor's ex husbands and the order in which they got married. Hey he does not have to impress me with those skills or with any superhero skills...just be Ryan is all I ask! No more of these turning tricks on the dock for a dollar a pop (or maybe a nickel when it comes to him I mean who would want to sleep with someone in fear their IQ would drop drastically?). Oh well maybe he can return to all of us under the new head writers but I am just not feeling any optimism on that part but who knows they could surprise me. And I like surprises! You know a surprise like seeing a three mouthed zebra swallowing some leftovers after a night of passion between Brangelina....maybe not that icky but you know Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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