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Private Practice: Discussion Thread

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I think this worked out perfectly. I didn't forget, but it looms overhead everytime I watch an episode. There's also little hints thrown in by the actors to indicate otherwise- Dell/Naomi, Violet/Coop.

I think the writer's strike saved this show because the second season was much more intense and reminiscent of the workplace dramas of the 90's- and less like GA's. With the competing practice upstairs I'm no longer holding onto just couplings, I care about their business.

I love that they're exploring friendship more than romance. The different types of friendships, the romance that could stem from friendship....So many shows muddle the friendship and push straight for the romance.

With all these ingredients, they have the recipe for what made Boston Legal, The Practice, and Ally McBeal popular.

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Wow, last week was so awesome. Charlotte and Cooper!! That was so sweet he flew down there for her when her father died. Addison & Wyatt kiss (Sadly, Kevin's been a total jerk), and Violet sleeping with both Pete & Sheldon.. Too much!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
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I really enjoyed the cross-over because of the Addison/Derek/Mark/Archer/Naomi/Sam interactions. And I immediately thought a prequel about their characters in NY (maybe in college, or med-school). Loved Archer's confession scene because he thought he was going to die. :lol:

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I enjoyed the crossover part I and part II. Miajere I thought the actors were very believable in the characters knowing each other for a long time. What the hell is up with derek??? Ever since he had that death row patient, he has had anger management issues. I have to say that the Private practice actors carried the greys part I crossover, I don't know what was going on in the backgrounds of greys but the actors seemed lifeless in that episode(except for mark/derek/miranda).imo The greys group was much better in part II crossover. I really think that mark would work better on private practice and greys should focus on finding a stronger male lead because it ain't mark or the red head.imo

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I hope Derek doesn't get away with murdering that poor woman. Couldn't she have lived with a speech impairment, did he really need to cut away most of her brain?

It was so nice to see Emma Caufield last night on PP. I have missed her since Buffy went off the air.

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I just don't find GA watchable and the characters are losing their edge. ON the other hand, PP is very entertaining, mature. So watching the PP gang pack up to meet the GA gang, seemed natural since they are the spinoff, but didn't leave me wanting more of GA, I just wanting my PP back.

The GA gang is not as gelled and the chemistry between the two groups felt forced, "acting like they were friends."

Touche, Toups.

But I think you hit the root of the problem. Derek is an incredibly bizarre character. He's that college guy hanging out with high schoolers. The same could be said of Mark. Two characters that would have more to do in LA than in Seattle.

I imagine them both traveling to LA, Mark causing trouble, Derek helping Addison while talking up Meredith. The end of the crossover revealing a proposal of some sort, or a promotion for Mark. Let Meredith question Derek's abrupt vacation, and another surgeon be called to help in LA, recommended as the best. Let Mark hit on Dr. King and realize he's in love with 'little grey'.

Part two was much better. Although the fight at the end was great. Was I suppose to be laughing? The answer to Part Two crossover was Derek's neither Man or God. He's a little boy with a flair for throwing a good tantrum.

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I enjoyed the crossover and I think they can absolutely do it again in the near future. I think it shows how much Kate Walsh is missed on GA. Derek vs. Addison on Thursday's GA was an incredible moment. I'm still a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy, I don't think it's lost its touch.. this is probably the best season since Season two (I wasn't crazy about last season)..

Nonetheless, Private Practice is amazing too. Charlotte sleeping with Archer and then Cooper forgave her was VERY touching, I love those two together. Archer couldn't change his ways so he packed up and went back to NY. I felt bad for Naomi, but I think this may pave the way for Sam/Naomi once again, seeing as he called his girlfriend Naomi in bed!

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Miajere, I can see Mark going to L.A. and maybe derek there very short term(no way he will be there permanently). GA is already rumored to be losing two of its stars, so I seriously doubt Derek is going anywhere. An I have to say that the casting director for GA needs to be fired I don't like any of their new additions this year and the relationships for yang and callie seemed very forced. Faye dunaway was horrid and very mommie dearest like in that episode, but she had me laughing when she was shouting at yang to get out of her OR. :lol:

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Let's not even talk about the last GA's addition that suffered from aspergers. :lol: That was just embarrassing.

A few days ago Kerev was going off on a woman for talking too much and not feeling. The doctor then replied about the "little coffins that haunt her." Every once in awhile I bust that dialogue out for some friends.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I love that scene!

Charlotte: I slept with Archer Montgomery……. I just thought you should know.

Cooper: No. Noooo. You just don’t get to walk away frome me after telling me that. How dare you. How dare you do this.

Charlotte: It’s just the way I am –

Cooper: Oh, that’s crap! You did the one thing you could to push me away, to make me make the choice and not you, well guess what Charlotte, that’s not going to work. I’m not going any where. You want to sleep with some guy to hurt me, to make me back off, too bad. I’m here. I’m storming the freakin castle for you, and you so underestimated me. What you think I’m so weak that I’m going to walk away because my pride got wounded. You are mine. And I’m not walking away because you’re scared.


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Yes!! Charlotte and Cooper are one of my top 5 favorite couples on primetime these days.

How about Addison and the married doctor??? I did NOT see that coming when he turned out to be her pregnant patient's husband. As much as I love Josh Hopkins (Pepper Dennis!!!), Addison is way too smart to get involved with him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm not digging this married man s/l for Addison. It was cute when they were flirting, but I'm over that and I'm over desperate Addison and Naomi. Every time I see them in a scene together I hear a DJ asking, "where are all my single ladies at?"

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I'm not liking it either. Addison is unrootable in this storyline.

Man, that 12 year old was so stupid - having sex and getting pregnant. Her mom was stupid too. I agreed with Cooper.

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