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Days:Dustin's Rumors 5/1

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Since the beginning of Sami's "Who's the Daddy" storyline, there have been rumors and speculation that Sami would be pregnant with twins, one by EJ and one by Lucas (yes it is possible and has been done on soaps before). This past week I got comments and emails once again fueling such speculation. It appears when Sami and Lucas were discussing the baby, the word babies came out of Sami's mouth. Simple blooper or slip of the tongue? (I myself don't have the episode in question recorded anymore to check). Medically, one would think by now Sami would know she was having twins, but that would ruin the shock of it for the audience.

P.S. A poll on this was already done back in January. Then the majority of people were simply tired of the "who's the daddy" storylines


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A set of twins for Sami/Lucas and Sami/EJ would turn (if DOOL is still on the air in 10 more years) into a modern day version of Cain vs. Abel. One brother would loathe the other and set out to do any harm physically/emotionally possible to the other, thus resulting in one's ultimate demise.

Soooo not happening, people!!

However, if they do reveal she's having twins, then I suspect the reveal will happen painfully close to wedding bells time.

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I thought Sami was referring to future children she would have with Lucas.

Twins would mean an additional two babies that would need to be on the set. Not very smart in a budget crunch.

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