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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 23

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I loved the ending scene of Phyllis looking at the statue of Christ. :lol:

And blah, Podtoria is still so full of crap, you know by Monday's episode she'll be by Brad's side again.

Oh, is it still fair to label Phyllis as 'Big Red', her hair looked blonde today! :D

As for Sharon/Jack/David = BLAH

Though, I must say I was happy when Victor punched Brad.

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I noticed Michelle's hair yesterday too. That's a nice color on her.

I really, really, really wish they would recast Victoria or just send her off the canvas. Amelia is ruining all the scenes for me. her delivery is lifeless. I know she was excited to play the reveal. You'd never be able to tell from her performances.

Leave it to Victor to be...Victor. :lol:

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Phyllis is such a wasted character. She's another one who must be bipolar. She's been a bitch for the past couple of weeks, but now she's reverted to sniveling from, whining for Nick to show up at the church. She would've drugged him, tied him up and literally dragged him down the aisle.

I don't get the big deal about Sharon/Jack being married and it has to be this huge secret.

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I don't see how it can be a SECRET NOW since Sharon ran telling Nick...then once the vows were said, told everyone else anyways (after the fact that she got busted for her affair with Brad lol)...So for them to keep it quiest now is beyond stupid because everyone who even remotely gives a damn about Sharon or Jack already know.

I too am tiring of this up and down of Phyllis...If they want her to go back to being the Red-Headed Bitch that we all know and love (and in Q Steph's case HATE and DETEST :lol: ) then do so; Phyllis of old wouldn't have even batted her eyes at Nikki and Victoria's hate on her; she wouldn't have even cared that much that Nick was disgusted with her; heck she wouldn't have even apologized for what she did...She would have had that "Tough if you can't DEAL" type attitude...

The sooner they end the Phick relationship the better....and from the promo that I saw that will show next week's key storyline, Jack is very much not over Phyllis and soon will trade in Blonde Ambition for Big Red :lol:

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Victoria and Monster in Law were so annoying yesterday but I hate Phyllis so rhem attacking her didnt both me. I jus love how that now that she has little to no one supporting her, she openly embraces Michael and Lauren as her best friends again. Cant stand this trio

Noah was a brat. He shouldnt have been talking the way he was

Im really surprised Colleen hasnt suspected that Brad was behing Korbel losing the job offer

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Believe me, Adrian most likely find ouot next week...and that's when we will see him either tell Brad off or actually threaten the man for his dirty deeds.

This is why I hate Brad:

1. Everyone else's business is HIS business... He is definitely the 'female' gossip of GC

2. He's NEVER wrong...All he does is RIGHT, and he's the first GC idiot to point out everyone ele's problems and broom.gif

his own little dirty deeds under the rug.

3. He can't ever accept that he's not GOD'S GIFT to the ladies (if he can't have Sharon, then nobody else is allowed to have her either )

4. He's got a sickness with his daughter's life (he makes me think of Joe Simpson with all that interferrance)

5. He can't LIVE without having someone else's money to boost that enormous ego

Brad is a walking dictionary of hypocricy..... :lol:

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Few observations about Fridays show which was MUCH better than the rest of the week - which was nothing but crap though.

Christian LeBlanc had me LMAO with his little stip number. I was extremely funny and our Mickey how we love him. Didn't give a rats ass about His and Lauren's concern for crybaby numero uno Phyllis.

And as much as I loved Nikki/Vickie (Boy, Amelia Heinle was seriously BAD again...) lashing out at Phyllis, Victor punching Brad a knot down - the pacing is so off on this show. Characters change (their opinions) not only from day to day but also within episodes now. :blink: It's exhausting and there is no logical development.

Prime example: Noah. How often does he have changed his view on the Crap-couple? I can't count anymore... Puuuhleeze, writers get a clue, will you!?

I also can't believe we apparently have to endure the crap-couple's wedding yet again. I was very much hoping we'd get a reprieve. <_<

And as a common Nikki hater I must say: MTS looked radiant. SO sassy - that's why I've always thought KKL on B&B should also bring back the short hair...

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Victor punching Brad was not enough. I want Brad to be taken down hard. He has been scamming too many people. I am dying for Colleen to find out about Brad and read him the riot act.

I didn't mind Noah's outburst. He has taken all the turmoil in his life since Cassie's death too calmly. It is unrealistic that he wasn't going to start acting out sooner or later.

Nikki did look amazing with her short hair. The hair style has taken almost 10 years off her face.

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Thanks. I love that song.

But I'm also at a loss to as to why Lauren is so eager to be Phyllis' doormat. Michael, I can understand, since he's expecting some nookie on the side probably, but Phyllis was an unrelenting bitch with her judgments. But now that she's been voted off Newmna Island, she remebers Lauren's name. They must share the same colorist.

Speaking of hair, Melody Thomas Scott is absolutely gorgeous with her new 'do.

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the thing is he HAS been acting up. This is nothing new. He's always thrown tantrums since Cassie's death and the divorce. The problem that most people have is that one minute he's loving Phyllis and the new family he has with Summer and Nick and the next he's turning on Phyllis and acting like he doesnt want her around or with Nick. His moods and feelings changes day by day and you never know how he truly feels. The writing for him is not consistant

I guess Im the only one who's not liking Nikki's hair. It looked better long

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Noah is eventually going to be the Will Munson of Y&R in the next few years. He just needs to be shipped to boarding school and get his act together. As for Phyllis she was mad at Lauren and understandably so. Now she realizes she made a mistake and needs her friends back. And I don't think the Newmans (esp Nikki and Victoria) despise her like they probably despise dumb old Sharon. They're just disappointed in Phyllis. Eventually they'll forgive her and hopefully Nick can too.

Brad just needs to die now. His obsession with Colleen's life is really starting to both scare and disturb me. You're the one who pushed your daughter away and you continue to act like you're all bad and mighty. I just want Victor to punch him again and again and again and again.

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