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AMC: Wednesday

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You're abspultely right though. I wouldn't put it past Krystal to sneak in a few lick shots on Colby while Adam's back is turned, but Colby is becoming ridiculous with this "our baby" talk. I'd disown her too. She and JR are nothing more than brats. JR deserves a swift kick in the ass. He is an ingrate and I'd turn my back on that drunk too.

I liked Annie/Kendall in the bathroom.

Tad still makes me sick. It makes me ill to hear him rail against ACS getting off, but he hasn't felt one moment of remourse for torturing a man.

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Usually, I find you obnoxious and ridiculously melodramatic -- but on this, I totally agree. The "our baby" and wanting to be a Carey Girl -- the self same girls she was trying to rid her father and brother of because SHE KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO HURT THEM BOTH -- just makes me gag.

If this is the way the new writing team is going, I am not at all thrilled. Throw as many random history references in a script as you want, it's still not going to warm me up to where these storylines are headed.

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Gag me, Babe and Ryan patting each other on the backs. Seriously just pair the two up and put us out of our misery.

Kendall and Annie were okay, but Ryan was stupid "Annie can hold her own with Kendall" *snort* yeah in what universe :rolleyes:

Zendall were great :wub:

LOVED Zach taunting ACS in the jail :D

Okay ACS was supposed to be shot today, rewrites going on or something? :unsure:

This is still McTrash's crap that's airing, so I don't see that being what happened ;)

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I thought the father/son scenes between Zach/Alex and Adam/JR were the standouts of the episode.

Babe finally showed some remorse for everything she's done! This is definitely the new writers trying to fix some of McT's past mistakes.

I wasn't as impressed with the Annie/Kendall scenes as everyone else, but maybe that's because I still find Annie so boring.

I can understand why Colby has bonded with Krystal & the baby. It also makes sense to me that she would hate Adam for leaving Krystal in labor since she saw firsthand what Krystal went through during the delivery. Add in Adam disowning her, and there is no reason she should continue living with him. I do wish Liza would come back to save her daughter from the Careys though.

I don't like JR's current hairstyle, either. Go back to the spikes, Jacob!

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I don't know, I just really enjoyed the Babe/Ryan scene - Babe was showing remorse over her past actions and actually acknowledged her wrongs. Ryan wasn't yelling or being angry. It was two characters actually reflecting on what they've done, and not just brushing the plot-driven madness off their shoulders and pretend its ok it all happened. They both were very tolerable too IMO.

And at this point, I honestly don't think McT has any influence or hand in any of the scripts or going-ons right now at AMC. That's been pretty obvious this entire month. The dig was there - it was pretty obvious they were making fun of the bad introduction Colby got with her Sweet 16 party and how it was obvious no one liked it, even the characters.

I still really liked how Tad and Derek were talking about the past with Terrence...McT never would have just let a scene like that happen.

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