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Y&R Discussion Thread: Week of April 9th

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the only reason why Phyllis was going to call Jack up to tell him was bc Sharon went and told the "Big Mouth" about her blackmail. She really expected Sharon not to tell her best friend? She didnt like that someone else knew what she was doing bc it took some power away from her. Dru wasnt about to let the heffer throw her weight around and act like she she was god. Phyllis hated that she got Dru involved bc she knew Dru could and would cut her down and spit her out, which she already was starting to do at the shoot. Phyllis can live with the guilt and go to hell. Only good thing to look forward to is whenever Victoria Rowell returns, we can have Dru come back and get revenge on her ass and it will be so sweet to watch bc Phyllis will have had it coming

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Thats what got me. Right, the reason she was so ticked about Sharon telling Dru was that she wasn't 100% in control of the situation with Dru, she's like a firecracker. So she went to tell like the infant she is. She was on a massive powertrip. She can rot for all I care. All her fake tears and handwringing just comes off as so FAKE. And what's worse is that she is so, "Its my fault my fault," just so she can dissolve in the ultimate Phyllis babying party that Michael and Lauren and Jack are indulging her in.

I'm glad Sharon had that "Gotcha Biitch" Game face on today when she went to see her. Phyllis was shook.

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Oh Sharon is all high and mighty now, but wait till the "ish" as you call it, hits the fan when all know she slept with her brother in law right after he got married while trashing Phyllis for the same behavior.

And there would have been no blackmail had there been no cheating and lying going on. Brad and Sharon need to get exposed soon.

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I have no problem with that. Sharon will deserve all the "ish" :lol: she receives from Victoria, every last bit.

My problem Sharon sleeping with Brad is this, while it is totally in Sharon's character to use sex as a getaway, it just seemed like a contrived plot point to make Nick and Phyllis look better when it wasn't needed. Sharon had already cheated on her husband before, there was no need for the extra sleeping around except to make Phyllis somehow sympathetic.

But "if such and such didn't do this" is no excuse for blackmail though. Its a crime, a felony even. Adultry is not. And the fact that someone got killed while someone was continuing their blackmail threat, Phyllis is in serious trouble.

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Heather Tom should be playing this role. Amelia can't keep up with the powerhouses around her.

I'll like to dedicate "Wanna be startin' somethin" by Michael Jackson to Phyllis & "Oops..I did it again" by Britney to Sharon/Brad.

Maybe it's me, but it seemed as though Lily had a backbone with Daniel today.

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Kristoff was great today. Those scenes where he said goodbye to Dru had me tearing up. The flashbacks were great. Then later when he told Phyllis off at the hospital that was some good stuff and justified coming from HIM.

Now Brad, just needs to shut the hell up. When he was talking to Phyllis and noting how she didn't have any bruises, my main thought was "Well, you've come out of this pretty unscathed yourself Bradski". Except you don't even think you have anything to feel sorry for you sumg &*&^% . He's so quick to blame Phyllis, but he doesn't even look to himself or think about all the pain he's caused and is going to cause Victoria. Why couldn't Brad be the one to go over the cliff??

I hope people are wrong and that Victoria/Amelia rises to theoccasion when the time comes for the Brad/Victoria confrontation. I think she has it in her, but the writing needs to be there. I want her to destroy Brad completely.

I felt really bad for Lily today. Not only has she lost her mother, but she's slowly catching on to the fact that her husband has been lying to her. That has to be a sick feeling with everything she's dealing with. Devon was good today too. That single tear that slid down his cheek. :(

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I think you missed my point. If Brad and Sharon hadn't had sex, there would be nothing for Phyllis to use to blackmail them in the first place. So if people are going to trash Phyllis then, IMO, own the fact that Sharon and Brad are the originators of this situation. They slept together, continue to pine away for each other even with others, and it was THEM who were talking in public about their affair that led to Phyllis knowing about it. Now I know that what Phyllis did was wrong and I'm sure she'll be exposed for her blackmail soon enough, but my point was that Brad and Sharon were the ones who put all this in motion. Oh and adultery is a misdemeanor in many states if you want to start a technical discussion. If you want to start throwing around crimes on this soap though let's go to Brad and his killer thighs, Victor and his years of crimes etc etc etc... see my point yet? If not, no problem.

As far as the writers doing this to make Phyllis look better, I totally disagree. You can use that old excuse for anything on a soap. I could say that they put Nick and Phyllis together to make Sharon look better. In reality it's just part of a storyline they are writing and trying to tell.

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Uh oh...Neil is a a pin drop away from ripping Brad a new one and I can't wait! This should be good.

I hate Neil is hitting the bottle. I know Cane doesn't know Neil had a drinking problem, but I see Neil's drinking causing problems for a lot of the Genoa City residents. Cane's gonna be pouring a LOT of them drinks. :lol:

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I hear ya, but it's not how I would have written it. I'd have had Lily so devastated that she was completely unaware of Daniel's problem, until later when his false sense of security allows him to get sloppy - and caught red-handed (so to speak :lol: )

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