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Y&R Discussion Thread: Week of April 9th

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Sharon acts like her tongue is the sponge she can use to wipe her slate clean, but she's gonna finally have to realize that she does her dirt too.

Oh, Nikki will rip Sharho from limb to limb and Vicki will feast on the remains. It's gonna be sooooooo good and best of all, Sharon won't have NO ONE to go whine and cry to because Dru ain't here to hear it.

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Sharon has been handling those Newman b*tches for years. She's still standing. Their claws don't cut that deep apparently. Victoria /Nikki never give an inch to Sharon. They don't quit and have a low opinion of her already because of her sins. One more won't push her off the pedestal- she's been off for years.

What kills me is this faux pristine image Phyllis is pushing as the new lady of the manor. Everyone says how fake Sharon is, right? But isn't Phyllis? If you're so big & bad, show your horns to the world. Why was she so freaked out about Sharon knowing about her blackmail of Brad and then Dru finding out? No, she wants to be a social terrorist because she gets off on it but still wants to be treated like a lady. It ain't never gonna happen. Nick's biggest mistake was turning that ho into a desperate housewife.

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I LMAO when Brad said this was because Phyllis was blackmailing he and Sharon. Actually, if Brad and Sharon hadn't had an affair right after his wedding then Phyllis wouldn't have anything to blackmail them with. So if Brad NEEDS to blame someone then he should start with himself and Sharon and then after he admits that then he can blame Phyllis. And Dru had no business playing grabbyass with Sharon and Phyllis over a stupid cell phone and no one pushed her, she fell over all on her own. But hey, that's just what I saw when I replayed it several times. I was expecting to see Phyllis push them off of her but that didn't happen. Dru was a nosey interfering twit but I will miss her I'm afraid. Sharon, well....I have been liking her lately but I'm sure that will all change soon.

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Well by THAT "logic" Brad/Sharon didn't make Phyllis do anything.

The sociopathic nutjob did all the blackmailin & extortin on her own.

And now she's reapin all the scorn & consequences of that blackmail & extortion too. :)

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Phyllis was playing the "woe is me" card, and has been for awhile. I remember when she actually had the nerve to act insulted that Sharon would think she deliberately seduced Nick.

Maybe she didn't, but from the ex-wife's POV, it's understandable.

If Sharon's a whore, then I hate to think what that makes Phyllis, oh yeah The whore to beat all whore's ;)

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