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Y&R Discussion Thread: Week of April 9th

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nice Stepford wife redeemed Phyllis is a lie! I want everyone to see her for the manipulative, lying, blackmailing, homewrecking bitch that she really is. Its a shame that only Sharon, Dru and Brad know the real Phyllis. She truly is an ugly person, and she let it all out in the past 2 weeks. I want her ass exposed

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Phyllis has been a piece of work for YEARS. Let me see now --- she tricked Danny into marrying her, she tried to kill Cricket/Paul twice ( once by car and when that didn't work by snake in their honeymoon bed ), she played a BIG part in her friend Sasha's death, she drove Dr. Tim crazy and into a life of crime(if I remember correctly). She used sex as a means to an end for everything and never seemed to be wearing anything but that red teddy, but the main thing of all was --SHE NEVER GOT CAUGHT It was for these very reason that I use to luv me some Phyllis. She took no prisoners and didn't give a good d amn who knew it. I think that was one of the reasons she and Michael became fast friends--- they were cut from the same cloth. All that changed with the new writers--- Phyllis was ruined. Hopefully she'll go back to being the he!! raising piece of work she was.

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I never said Phyllis is a saint. And to be honest I prefer her bad. But Sharon usually acts like a saint while hiding her dirty laundry so no one knows what a hypocrite she really is. I like it when we can see both sides of these characters though. I hated it when they wrote Dru where she couldn't see psycho behavior and other characters helped her make excuses for it. Once they had her own up to what she did I finally could like Dru again. Phyllis is a great character when she's allowed to be her bad self, and I love that. Just like I love Sharon when she shows that she is a caring person who sees that she's not too far from Phyllis in many ways. I don't expect them to go out for drinks anytime soon though.

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Phyllis's reasonings to being angry at Sharon and wanting revenge is crazy. When Sharon slept with Brad, Nick and Phyllis were already in an knee deep affair. Sharon's marriage was basically over. She wasn't the one who cheated and carried on an affair, Sharon had every right to treat Phylllis like trash.

And if Nick wants to scream and yell at Sharon for sleeping with Brad before the divorce was official, then I guess that's his right. Although he has none considering his actions. But Phyllis has no right, none at all.

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Oh I hate that Sharon is already on her way to recovery. I wanted her in a coma for at least 2 weeks. Its a surprise she even surived that fall. Plus coma patients makes things alot more dramatic. I dont get the rush to heal her

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They made a mistake just like the many mistakes she made over her life. But when she was branded as the town whore, Lauren was kind enough to basically share her husband with her and allow her to receive touches and comfort that only his wife should have received. Lauren was gracious enough to be nice to know him and not let him know what was going on when this woman didn't have the grace to just stop being friends with them, she had to "punish" them, because that's what Phyllis does, everyone else has to accept her "punishment" for their mistakes. They babysitted those two hypocrite's children without one protest during this tragedy perpetrated by her actions. Phyllis doesn't deserve their friendship, they are classy people for what they did.

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Mhmm, let her tell it, they were arguing about the shoot. LIAR. All this popped off because Phyllis didn't like that Sharon didn't 100% toe her line and like a five year old she wanted to tattle because she didn't get her way. And she got her way too...both of them off a cliff.

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