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First Quarter Ratings 2007 vs First Quarter 2006

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Total Daytime Viewers

1st Quarter 2006: 31.5 million

1st Quarter 2007: 31.1 million

(Compared to Last Quarter)

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,678,000 (+276,000)

2. B&B 4,023,000 (-245,000)

3. GH 3,693,000 (+231,000)

4. AMC 3,246,000 (-86,000)

7. OLTL 3,189,000 (-36.000)

5. DAYS 3,143,000 (-273,000)

6. ATWT 3,152,000 (-172,000)

8. GL 2,922,000 (+71,000)

9. PSNS 2,080,000 (-139,000)


1. Y&R 4.3 (+.1)

2. B&B 3.1 (-.2)

3. GH 2.9 (same)

4. AMC 2.6 (-.1)

5. OLTL 2.5 (-.2)

6. ATWT 2.4 (-.2)

7. DAYS 2.4 (-.3)

8. GL 2.2 (-.1)

9. PSNS 1.5 (-.2)

Women 18-49 Viewers

1. GH 1,336,000 (-13,000)

2. Y&R 1,325,000 (-72,000)

3. OLTL 1,084,000 (-139,000)

4. DAYS 1,046,000 (-237,000)

5. AMC 1,032,000 (-209,000)

6. B&B 902,000 (-185,000)

7. ATWT 797,000 (-103,000)

8. GL 794,000 (-28,000)

9. PSNS 784,000 (-156,000)

Women 18-49 Rating

1. Y&R 2.0 (-.2)

1. GH 2.0 (-.1)

3. OLTL 1.7 (-.2)

4. AMC 1.6 (-.3) <-----------------Lowest 1st Quarter Average in the History of People Meters

5. DAYS 1.6 (-.4) <-----------------Lowest 1st Quarter Average in the History of People Meters

6. B&B 1.4 (-.3) <-----------------Lowest 1st Quarter Average in the History of People Meters

7. PSNS 1.3 (-.1)

8. GL 1.2 (-.1)

8. ATWT 1.2 (-.2)

Women 18-34 Rating

1. GH 1.6 (+.1)<--------------------First Time at #1 for the Quarter (Without a Tie) in History of People Meters

2. Y&R 1.5 (-.1)

3. DAYS 1.4 (-.6) <-----------------Lowest 1st Quarter Average in the History of People Meters

4. PSNS 1.3 (-.3)

5. OLTL 1.2 (-.2)

6. AMC 1.1 (-.2)

7. GL 0.8 (-.3)

7. ATWT 0.8 (-.3)

7. B&B 0.8 (-.4)

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I think this sums it all up and gives the overall picture (last week's drops sucked but it is the overall picture that counts). Anyways hopefully that trend will change for the better with the changes coming up at DAYS.

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Here's a question -- is it really all about the demo's? Compare FV's interview where he brags about being ranked No.3 in the demos during Feb and then go look at the demo's both DOOL and Pass were pulling in last Oct/Nov. Then we see Pass cancelled and DOOL unofficially given it's death notice yet their demos were arguably more attractive than AMC and OLTL's . I get that ABCD has an advantage in that they own their shows where NBC apparently doesn't, but if NBC determines it's unprofitable to hang on to DOOL when it's near the top in multiple different demographics then can any of the soaps be that far behind given the declining demos?

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I don't care how much money soaps are making or how high the ratings are (when they are high), if NBC wants out of the soap game, they'll cancel everything. In the 1950s, the head of NBC's daytime daypart *hated* soap operas and was constantly cancelling soaps at the drop of a hat within a matter of months of premiere (and under lackluster ratings, without giving a worthy series a chance to grow) just to "prove" that soaps didn't work. That's how modern audiences lost out on seeing soaps like "First Love" which, when cancelled, had a rather strong fanbase (even though it was only moderately rated). By all soap scholarly accounts, FL was poised to grow into NBC's first breakout soap success, but the network still cancelled it.

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I think NBC wanting to get out of soaps is an ideological rather than a financial decision. Zucker made his name in the news business and therefore wants wall-to-wall news on his daytime schedule.

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I agree completely. Horrifically, the guy has alot of power now and that scares me because NBC is going down the tubes as it is.

As for the ratings info posted, no surprise. We all knew this and it will look even scarier when the second quartter is posted because April traditionally has lots of lows and declines. It isn't usually until may that soaps rebound and start to stabilize a bit.

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That's right. If they get all the vets back on in May like they said and give us good story along with the wedding event, they can easily jump back to 2.6-2.7 in May. If things stay bad for other soaps ratings-wise, that may get Days 3rd-4th place and possibly close them in on B&B if B&B stays in the 2.0's.

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Thanks for posting Rick! Its quite the interesting breakdown. Even if it was only a small increase, it certainly looks good for GL to have a bit of a surge. Ouch to DAYS. Who would have thought a year ago when we heard JER had been fired and Hogan hired that people would have tuned out in droves. Hopefully this latest plan to "fix" DAYS works.

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It took me quite a while to average all of the numbers, so If you use them elsewhere, please credit :)

1st Quarter 2006

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,402,000

2. B&B 4,268,000

3. GH 3,462,000

4. DAYS 3,416,000

5. AMC 3,332,000

6. ATWT 3,324,000

7. OLTL 3,225,000

8. GL 2,851,000

9. PSNS 2,219,000


1. Y&R 4.2

2. B&B 3.3

3. GH 2.9

3. DAYS 2.7

6. OLTL 2.7

6. AMC 2.7

3. ATWT 2.6

8. GL 2.3

9. PSNS 1.7

Women 18-49 Viewers

1. Y&R 1,397,000

2. GH 1,349,000

3. DAYS 1,283,000

4. AMC 1,240,000

5. OLTL 1,223,000

6. B&B 1,086,000

7. PSNS 940,000

8. ATWT 900,000

9. GL 822,000

Women 18-49 Rating

1. Y&R 2.2

2. GH 2.1

3. DAYS 2.0

4. AMC 1.9

4. OLTL 1.9

6. B&B 1.7

7. ATWT 1.4

7. PSNS 1.4

9. GL 1.3

Women 18-34 Rating

1. DAYS 2.0

2. Y&R 1.6

3. PSNS 1.6

4. GH 1.5

5. OLTL 1.4

6. AMC 1.3

7. B&B 1.2

8. ATWT 1.1

8. GL 1.1

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