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Could Kimberlin Brown (Sheila Carter) be coming to ATWT?

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For all we know this will be ATWT's last year on the air. Two damn Gwen's and a Sheila is not how I want to see it go out. FOCUS PTB! Please! Remember what ATWT is about and why it was #1 for 20 years. This is not it. Give the Hughes one last hurrah before the show gets canned. And you never know, maybe you can actually save the show.

And with the promise of a Luke story this summer, I don't want this craziness in the mix. Crossovers don't do a thing for ratings anyway.

ATWT has enough prostitution, porn, crime, and horrendous writing of it all and there is no way a complex character like Sheila could ever be done right anyway. Does anyone actually think that ATWT would bring on Sheila as a regular character with a real life? If it ever happened, it would be so heinous stunt that we would all gripe about.

Why is ATWT making so many screwed up moves lately? It's like they trying to sabotage the show.

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Oh, I am SOOO conflicted. On the one hand, this thrills me to no end, but on the other, I don't even want to think about what kind of hack job Passanante would do to my beloved Sheila. Otherwise, with a better writer on board, I would support this 110%. Either way, I don't see this happening, though.

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Well actually Sony owns a large chunk of Y&R as well as Days.

So when Sheila originally went over to B&B Bill Bell had to both pay Sony for the use of the character on his other show and also make some agreement to bring her back to Y&R at some point (which of course never happened until years afterwards. Probably the deal had changed by that time.)

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I was hoping Sheila would return to B&B instead, but who cares, as long as she is back, that's the main thing - I'll have to start watching more of ATWT. :lol:B)

Actually, Mike Guthrie acting by himself on B&B could be very interesting: he might turn out to be just as bad as his boss.

Hoganstays, you must be creaming yourself in anticipation: I'm happy for you! :lol:

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Sorry, this would get a huge thumbs down from me. Not only don't I want another new face in Oakdale (even if I know Sheila) taking time from my vets, this is a minefield story-wise. Stunt casting doesn't work. ATWT isn't campy enough to sustain a psycho Sheila, and it's not grounded enough to give sane Sheila a satisfying story for her fans.

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I love you.

IF Kimberlin MUST come onboard I'd rather she come on as a new villainess than as Sheila. Maybe Shayla? :P

I don't know who the hell Sugar is and I don't want any of that crap explained on my show.

And if she's even in a scene with the used tampon known as Gwen I will vomit.

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And you all thought that LML done a horrible job with the Phyllis/Shelia storyline...wait till Jean gets a hold of this character!! She will destroy Shelia all over again...at least LML made some sense...

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ATWT isn't campy? Didn't they have a slasher movie ripoff, a gay deprogrammer, and that whole mess over Emily shooting Paul - throwing him off the cliff only for him to survive in a shed with Meg? And isn't Emily, a long established character, now a hooker? ATWT not campy? Hardly. It's been campy as long as I can remember it - going back to Damien's mother slipping poison into Lily's ear in Malta, to Carly's million dollar baby, to who burnt Barbara Ryan in the boathouse.

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Didn't say ATWT doesn't have it's share of camp. I said it's not campy enough to sustain a psycho. I personally HATED the Slasher, HATED Dr. Wacko Decker, HATE the hooker-porn story. And I hated all of Hogan's slapdash OVERTLY campy sh!t. (Avanya, Bonnie the BlackScot Duchess, the Island I & II.)

ATWT doesn't need more of that crap. JPiss needs to rededicate herself to rebuilding the core of the show...not importing another stunt casting debacle. Good LORD, does anyone want a repeat of the BJ Greene mess?

However, if Sheila comes to town to kill a certain blonde ex-cheerleader...I reserve the right to change my opinion.

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