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Which is in the best shape: Burger King, McDonald's or Wendy's?


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As the title question asks: which restaurant is currently in the best shape of the big three fast food chains? It is not Burger King, which has had a poor showing in its stock price. Perhaps more surprisingly, it is not Wendy's either, despite that chain's long standing image of having the highest quality.

In fact, the chain that is doing the best right now is McDonald's. This is most surprising, since that chain had long been considered bloated, messy, and inefficient. One of the reasons why McDonald's is all of a sudden doing well is because of the introduction of the McGriddles sandwich, which is the biggest hit product the restaurant has created in over twenty years. (Prior to the McGriddles, McDonald's last big hit introduction came when Chicken McNuggets were introduced in 1983.)

Another, more important reason for McDonald's sudden rennaissance (spelling?) is the company's current plan that involves renovating the vast majority of restaurants in its chain. These restaurants will receive both exterior and interior renovations. On the outside, the company's trademark double mansard roof--something that has become almost as indetifiable with McDonald's as the Golden Arches and Ronald McDonald--will be replaced with something completely different. And, the inside of the stores will be made to look much fancier as well: the cheap plastic seating will go away and be replaced by nice furniture, and the restaurant itself will be divided up into sub-sections (one of these sub-sections will be devoted to family dining, while another sub section will allow people to use their computers, and so on).

Below is an interesting article from Business Week that explains in detail what the new McDonald's restaurants will look like (Note that this article is spread over nine pages.):


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They just remodeled a McDonalds here.

It's like going to a Five star restaurant and seeing greasy cow patties, and double deep fat fried chicken guts on the menu :lol:

The only thing I eat from there anymore are the grilled honey mustard snack wraps and the asian chicken salads.

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I worked at Wendys and their burgers are nasty. Their patties are not frozen, they come pre cut and packaged in a blood/salt mixture. You just throw it on the grill and blood splatters everywhere :lol:

I couldn't eat the burgers or Chili (don't ask) after working there

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I used to work at McDonalds for 3 years and I ate there everyday I worked there, which makes me feel ill inside now. Since leaving there I only eat there once or twice a YEAR(excluding breakfast menu), which speaks volumes. I just cant eat anything there anymore, except for their breakfast food. I think something is in the food to make it addictive, but thats just me. Now that I dont work there I just dont want to even think about it. When I did work there I loved the food and craved it every single day, even if I worked 7 days in a row, I NEVER got tired of the food. 3 years ago I would have never have thought I would hate McDonalds food.

About 2 years ago a McDonalds in Nashville got LCD Flatscreen TV's, fireplaces(fake looking ones anyway), and nice booths. Too bad the food sucks!

2 Burger Kings closed down in my neighborhhod in Nashville in the last year or so and on campus where I live now the only thing that has closed down is a Burger King, everything else is booming. What has happened to BK?

I personally perfer Wendy's, especially their nuggets with honey mustard on the side.

I have cut back to only eating fast food once a week though and usually choose the awesomeness of Sonic.

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Thanks for saying that....now I know why I don't eat Wendy's burgers any longer. I don't know when the last time I was at a Wendy's...

I rarely go to McDonald's. When I did go, I always had to make sure I was given fries without all that salt or have been sitting somewhere getting cold. I remember one time seeing one of the McDonald's workers scooping up the french fries that were already cooked, and then trying to re-fry them in the grease and pass them off to someone else.

Burger King? I eat there on ocassions. We have one in the mall (they are a BIG rip-off; their little value meal will run you close to $6:50 there). If I do go to eat at a burger place, I either go to Culver's or make my own burger.

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