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No Salem Lives chat tonight due to no interest :lol:

However, I would like to try to have one tomarrow night so that readers can ask questions and so on. I don't want to interfere with ITZ so maybe around 8:00 EST time. Actually, yeah we can go with that. Salem Lives chat tomarrow at 8PM EST time. It will last as long as everyone wants but I will try to end it by 10:00 EST. Those that are interested can PM me their AIM screenname and I will invite you all to the chat at that time. Just make sure you are signed at at the specified time.

Ok. I am done plugging now. I just figured this is the best way for some people to see this :lol:

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Pretty much it all took place in this thread here http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/index.php?showtopic=18147 and sort of continued in here also, but the main thing was a certain poster was telling everyone over and over again that DAYS would be getting better in MAY, he must have posted the same things 200 times in that thread, it was so funny. For a while there even members that don't watch DAYS were checking out the thread it was so funny, so basically in here, where this person does not seem to go, we started saying all kinds of things about MAY to be funny, and then I personally decided to make something up about ATWT being better in my siggy to be funny, and a few other members also put something in there siggy in regards to MAY. One bad thing about it though is we upset all the MOD's and really ticked Ryan off, because we were all going so way off topic in that thread that it was nuts. I hope that helps some.

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