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AMC: Wednesday

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I was having a convo with someone about Jacob this morning. I'm glad others notice stuff too.

Good for Kendall for slamming the "sorry @ss", but she was being a bigot just last week by worrying about appearances. Of course, she reveted back to being a b*tch. Poor Zarf/Zoe, but he does come off like a man in a dress.

Awww...Jack/Erica flashback.

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Man - these Erica/Jack scenes are killing me. So sad, and that music is really making the emotional impact that much stronger. I love old flashbacks.

GO Kendall! I loved how she told off that 'narrow-minded bigot' - whom I really think was played by a gay actor. Btw, these new Fusion ads are really childish and cheap-looking.

Chrishell Strause really acts well off veteran actors. These Amanda/Adam scenes are great. I love how we got a Hayley/Mateo reference - it's easy to forget that Hayley and Amanda are actually cousins - so it was nice to hear about that history again. Great scenes here today.

Jamie can go to hell - I can't believe he just told Colby to go to school and forget about her father. He's a big hypocrite too. I'm really turned off by Jamie and JR lately.

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I hope Jaime burns in hell too.

The Colby/Sean scenes are so sweet.

I wouldn't want to work at Fusion either. Everything looks so cheap there. Doesn't the CEO have her own office? LMAO.

Now I know why Josh is such a stalker. So is Jeff.

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I suggest something with Jack/Erica - these are the best scenes today - and flashbacks always please people.

Adam/Janet is fun too....

Anyway - NOOOOOOO - I just knew Jeff would go to Erica. And Barbara to Jack. I don't want any sex from these couples of I'll be pissed.

Oh sweet - Erica just told Jeff that they are finished - and she doesn't want him. :)

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I wonder if Hannah thinks Kendall is a major slut. She's slept with her son, her son's father, and her son's uncle.... :lol:

I've noticed that Babe's role has been very supporting and minor lately. This is good.

Tomorrow should be good with Zoe's mom...

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He is getting DUMPED tomorrow :lol: I knew there would be no Jeff/Erica longterm. He can't compete with Jack in Erica's life..No other man can and just looking at those flashbacks today (1989 Pool Table/first kiss; 1994 The Picnic in the Hotel room in NY; and the wedding moments from 2005) show us their incredible romantic history.

Walt and Susan ROCKED today. They had me crying from the start and they played those scenes perfectly. There is NO WAY I'm watching that tramp Barbara seduce Jack so I probably won't be posting until next week.

Janet/Adam were a riot.

Sean and Colby were so sweet. That boy is so hurting over his loser mother. I think Erica should be his mom now

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Jack/Erica and all the scenes related to them have been fantastic this week. I so remember the pool-table, plane-crash area thing flashback in "real-time" from what almost 20 years ago? I was so in love with them back then and I'm getting old (almost 20 years ago!).

Colby. My favorite Chandler child, by far. JR, Pfft. But I fear it won't last, McTavish is still around and a Carey cannot be held responsible for their wrong-doing by more than one character for long.

Who wouldn't? lol ;). But she isn't for that...

Kendall probably would have still been with Michael if he wasn't a evul rapist who raped her sister, tried to rape her and her mother and was just completely using her the entire time.

She didn't know who Ethan was related to when she had sex with him - and she treated him better than she's ever treated any man she has been in a relationship with (I think that was due to therapy and medication, heh). She probably would have still been with him if being a pathetic a** who found complaining and plotting-destruction at anybodies cost because daddy did not breast-feed him well enough was the most important thing eva.

And she did make it clear to Ethan that she was only marrying his father to give him a taste of his own medicine (i.e. revenge on him for screwing her over for his father) - not for love or sex. It's not like Brooke (B&B). Though if I was the tall guy's mom I wouldn't look fondly upon the whole Z/K now happily married deal even if there's a reasonable explanation.

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So are erica/jack divorced or does it take a couple of days to get processed??? Because I'm wondering when she goes after jack next week, will they even still be married??? I actually liked erica/jack today, won't ever be a die-hard fan but they were good today. What was josh's point today??? I hate him. An josh did learn how to be a stalker from jeff, who wants to bet that he still goes after erica after she dumps him tomorrow.

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I think the divorce will be official when Jack/Erica sign the divorce papers and of course they have to mail it out and it has to be processed from there. Did they sign the final divorce papers today or were they just getting in "points" (who gets what?) for what will go in the final divorce agreement?

ETA: I watched "live." I just don't pay attention to details like that when I watch "live."

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The plane crash pool table scenes were from 1989..I have them on my YouTube page

Pool Table

though the quality of my tape from back then isn't the best. What I loved about those scenes is how funny these two were. They both do comedy so well and its a sin that AMC never takes advantage of that.

I still hold out hope that Livia doesn't put the paperwork through and they find out the divorce never went through. Is that too "pie-in-the-sky"? :)

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I have as well. Ever since she came back to life she has been very meek and backgrounded. She has had very little lines and she doesn't have important scenes about her anymore. Most of it is about Krystal or Little Adam and not really about her. Her scenes are shorter as well.

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Hmmm, I just don't think MMT is going to let her family fetus go this easily (yes she is still writing). At any rate, love that she kicked Jeff's lame ass to the curb. :D About damn time, we'll see how long it lasts, however.

Yes, did J&E sign the divorce papers? ;)

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