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Y&R Discussion: Week of March 26th

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BWAHAHAHA! Donut hair!

:lol: I must be the only one here who actually likes Nikki. I like Jack, too, so I don't really care who wins this contrived Senate race. I'm just glad MTS and PB got a frontburner SL together.

Wish I could watch it, but I don't dare switch on my TV in case I stumble on the Amber Porn. icon8.gif

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Oh, what you are missing, dear...

That screencap of Nikki's hair is a flattering pic - most of the time it was a much greater nightmare. Hideous!!!

Speaking of Scamber: Not only is the porn story knocking another recet worst story EVER (Pheila!) but La Frantz yesterday looked liked 5 dollar hooker - for her wedding reception! That aluminum jacket pornstyle was so cheap.

BTW: Anyone else pissed that Esther is no longer wearing her maid uniform!? Another classic gone. First the swoop, now maid uniform. Pretty soon TGVN will be a wearing a jogging suit instead of his black designer suits...

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Can you see Victor sitting in a designer (yes, it has be designer for such a powerful businessman) jogging suit behind the desk barking out orders? :lol: With Zapato at his heels no less...

Speaking of being dressed down, notice how after Carmen got whacked, Neil went back to the business suit again? :lol:

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This whole Scamber/Daniel crap is making me feel dirty just by watching it..........

Sharon is acting like such a doofus and it's only 10 minutes into the show, the lines she had at the beginning of the show left me scratching my head...... :mellow:

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Phyllis has some TALL nerve... Yeah I love the chick, but BIG RED should bite her tongue when she starts lecturing Lauren about being a liar. Phyllis must have hit her head when she came in to work this morning, because she's scheming, plotting and turning folks upside down; but Lauren, who was just as suprised to see Sheila in Phyllis face, did what she thought she had to to get rid of her nemesis once and for all

I'm not at all saying Lauren and Michael were right in lying and hiding the truth from Phyllis, but Lauren doesn't intentionally lie to folks...Phyllis, on the other hand, doesn't hesitate to telll some lies, and scheme to cover them up.

Like I say, I love Phyllis, but even I wanted to smack the red from her head when she was yapping about how Lauren and Michael committed the ultimate betrayal.

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That's the thing, Phyllis is working it all she can to make Lauren feel bad....Phyllis has done far worse that Lauren ever could..Phyllis tried to take some folks lives, she lied about many things, she's scoped out the goods in other folks business, but she's all innocent in those things, but Lauren is EVIL and BAD for wanting to remove her arch terrorist from her life anyway she could.

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Well Phyllis has always been a huge hypocrite who NEVER accepts responsability for anything. Remember when she told Daniel about the custody fight and made it seem like Big!Bad!Christine viciously stole him from her? Puhleeze! Danny did everything in his power to make that relationship work, but how much of a nut can you take?

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Mar 31 2007, 06:33 AM)
Well Phyllis has always been a huge hypocrite who NEVER accepts responsability for anything. Remember when she told Daniel about the custody fight and made it seem like Big!Bad!Christine viciously stole him from her? Puhleeze! Danny did everything in his power to make that relationship work, but how much of a nut can you take?

Enough to marry The Toothy Boll Weevil twice.

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Exactly... I'll always love Phyllis, however, I like Lauren more, so for Phyllis to act all 'injured and betrayed' was a crock. If it were Phyllis that saw Sheila before Michael and Lauren, would she have told Lauren, knowing exactly how unnerved and fragile she would have gotten? I doubt it...she might have told Nick and teamed up with Paul to remove the woman before either one of them ever suspected....she would have easily and conviently kept the truth from Lauren.

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I felt bad for Lauren when Phyllis was continuing to hold a grudge. I understand Phyllis' point to an extent though. Of course, Phyllis has done worse, but that doesn't make it any easier to get over a betrayal. I think the whole point is the Phyllis and Lauren were friends. Most of the people Phyllis has screwed over were enemies. I do wish Phyllis would just get over it already. Where is Michael? It seems like a long time, since he was on.

I like the story with Jill/Kay/Cane. I hope he really is the Chancellor heir, but that first DNA test bothers me. They need to explain why it was wrong. Make Cane a Chimera (sp??) or whatever it's called so that this story makes some sense. I mean, if your only source of info was soaps you'd think the people working in DNA labs were the most incompetent/corruptable people in the world. :lol:

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