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All: Soapnet's new schedule as of April 9th?

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6am Dallas

7am All My Children

8am One Life to Live

9am General Hospital

10am The Young & The Restless

11am Dallas

12pm Dallas

1pm One Tree Hill

2pm The O.C.

3pm Beverly Hills, 90210

4pm Beverly Hills, 90210

5pm One Tree Hill

6pm The O.C.

7pm Days of our Lives

8pm All My Children

9pm One Life to Live

10pm General Hospital

11pm The Young & The Restless

12am Days of our Lives

1am All My Children

2am One Life to Live

3am General Hospital

4am The Young & The Restless

5am Dallas



6 & 630 am -- Port Charles

7, 8 & 9 am -- Melrose

10 & 11 am -- 90210

noon -- Falcon Beach

1 pm -- Soapography

1:30 -- One Day With ....

2-7 pm -- AMC weekly recap

7-mid -- Y&R recap

mid -- Soapography

12:30 am -- One Day With ....

1-6 am -- GH recap


6 & 630 am -- Ryans Hope

7am-noon -- OLTL recap

noon-5pm -- GH recap

5 & 6 pm -- 90210

7-mid -- Days recap

mid-5am -- AMC recap

5am -- Dallas

There are no words. I know this hasn't been confirmed yet but apparently this is SN's new schedule as of April 9th. There are no words for how much I hate Frons right now if this is true. NO WORDS.


Please email Frons and Soapnet. If this is SN's new schedule, then Frons needs to put down his crack pipe again.

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WHAT?! Dallas is airing three times a day with OTH and OC running TWICE so Ryan's Hope has been reduced to TWO episodes per WEEK?! THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!!!

First of all, how can ANYONE defend Dallas, which has been run into the ground? THREE TIMES A DAY?! And OC/OTH are so short run, do they really need to burn them into the ground that much?

WHERE IS ANOTHER WORLD?! I hate Another World, but that is PURE EVIL! I was optimistic before, but now SOAPnet has completely lost me. I WILL be calling their SORRY ASSES about this!

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The only thing about that list I like is Days at 7 and midnight because those times fit my schedule better but, other then that, this list sucks. Where is AW? Where is Ryan's Hope? Frons strikes again. They are actually making me hate Dallas and OTH and the OC are getting way too much airtime and pimping.

Also of note is there is no Melrose Place on this list either. Why? They are giving BH 90210 way too much and screwing Melrose. This better not be true. The only part I want true is the Days part.

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I think after I move out of my on-campus apartment into my off-campus, I will take the digital cable off and get rid of SOAPnet.

What used to be a network devoted to respecting daytime has turned into an all out saturation of primetime television and a rehash of crappy ABC soaps ad-nauseum(no offense to ABC Daytime Fans here).

I totally believe Viacom will eventually allow Frons rebroadcast rights to Laguna Beach. Deborah Blackwell should be the only one in charge of this network. Even though she came into it with limited soap experience, she has at least done her research and has realised, to some degree, what fans want.

SOAPnet will get popular, but not on the basis of it being a soap opera channel. It will get popular for being the 90210 network.

I'm just sickened and, frankly, saddened by what little respect any of these asshats have for the genre. RYAN'S HOPE fans have been perpetually screwed over by restarting the series like two times, and it's one airing in the GRAVEYARD slot of the morning. Of anyone, I feel the most sorry for the RYAN'S HOPE fans, who will not see their show completed. Again, ABC screws them over.

And ANOTHER WORLD is still, by and far, one of the most beloved cancelled soaps today. It shocks me that SOAPnet, who went through so much fanfare to have this soap, would reduce it to one airing a day and air some cheesy ass promo that says, "Log onto SOAPnet.com to catch up on all the juicy bits." Hey SOAPnet, how about putting it in a much better timeslot with multiple airings?

This makes me wish that SOAPCITY would have launched their channel. We would be really into SB by now and we would have one of the best lineups, Y&R, ATWT, GL, and DAYS. And probably B&B would have been added later.

I just hope CBS/Viacom or some other entity realizes true soap fans cannot be taken for granted and develops a channel for them.

I just cannot believe this. Frons deserves to die.

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Not to mention they have swapped Y&R and DAYS with each other. I think that is good news for DAYS fans, because finally the younger crowd can watch their favorite soap without staying up late. But this is awful for fans of Y&R, who shouldn't have to wait till 11PM to watch the show.

SOAPnet sucks in every way imagineable.

Anyone got a number for SOAPnet's Comment Line?

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I think he does, but he needs to realize that Y&R moving ahead of the ABCD line-up actually HELPED them. I know people who only watched Y&R before it came to SOAPnet, and started watching the ABCD sopas because they came on right after Y&R.

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