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March 12-16, 2007


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No I meant if it is going to be cancelled I would rather see it go out on it's own terms and not be cancelled for Days. As I said right now GL is a lot better than Days to me and to see Days get cancelled at NBC and GL still on and then CBS cancel GL to make room for Days would be wrong in so many ways. It would be a move that I could never forgive CBS for. (In case you don't know that has been proposed on several boards that CBS would be smart to buy Days if NBC cancels it and replace GL with it.)

I don't want to see it cancelled to make room for a new soap or Days. It would just not be right. I won't it to go out on it's own terms.

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Haha - sorry, I just get tired of this same question being asked at least every other week in the ratings thread. If you look back in the ratings archives, you'll see what I mean. I guess its a new member/person that keeps asking every week, but it still gets old.

And it really has nothing to do with an AMC vs. OLTL thing...I could care less what soap it is. I would have said "And why are you so hellbent on (insert soap) getting ahead of (insert soap) anyway?" for any soap. It was obvious through the poster's tone of their message that they clearly had an agenda of getting their fav. soap ahead of another soap.

Plus I want to save some time for the poster that keeps asking each week. They go through all these mathematical situations and post this huge essay as to why the ratings aren't rounded correctly, and if they just took the time to come here each week or read through the archives, they'd know and save lots of time.

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The thing to remember, we don't know what the raw number was, nor how many significant digets they are rounding too when the raw number is first looked at, or if the first rounded number gets looked at and rounded again...

And we can all say "I know they do this, I know they do that" but we don't know what steps they do use in processing the numbers

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I was going to agree with you both as I usually explain (what seems like every week) how the numbers are rounded and then provide an example. In fairness to those who are questioning the numbers, the way that it has always been explained does not make sense in this case and is the first time ever that I can recall that rounding can't explain why OLTL got it's rating. I see from other people's posts that apparently more than rounding comes into play, as even if you went to a million decimal places, based on the numbers shown AND rounding, OLTL's ratings should be 2.5 and not 2.4. The Nielsen's can be very confusing and so many different things are taken into account, that it appears that sometimes you can't determine how a rating was reached without knowing all the hidden factors (whatever they are).

It's amazing how well the ABC soaps do whenever there is bad weather - their ratings always seem to go up significantly. I guess when people are trapped at home they will turn on their ABC soaps but if they have to get to work or wherever, they can't be bothered with DVRing or taping. Frons must be disappointed that Spring has arrived!

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"Hidden factors." I wonder if Frons has any control over these mysterious hidden factors, LOL. I find it very interesting that no one can explain OL's ratings, even using the usual explanation that Darcy so generously offers on an almost weekly basis.

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GL's ratings.............

Could it be that viewers are sick of seeing AVA? Where is Reva??? or Kreizman's mishaps?

Are the ratings reflecting this?

For instance Kreizman's mishaps.....

I can't believe they are getting rid of a character like Alan Michael spaulding....integral part of a core family the Spauldings. There are storyline possibilities for this character, but they just didn't have any interested story lines for the viewers to care about this character. Wouldn't a Gus, Harley, Alan-Michael triangle be nice considering the history with Harley and Alan-Michael and Gus is Alan's son? Here is a chance to bring back a Bauer-"Hope Bauer"- Alan-Michael's mother....Hello...Isn't Robin Mattson available- she played Hope before? Could you see Mattson with Raines??? If Kreizman would just use history more and intertwine stories, there would be more depth....but Kreizman is not capable of this. Instead we have characters we don't care about...Jeffrey, Ava, etc..that are one dimensional to fit the storyline without the right direction and mishaps along the way. Do I need to say more about more mishaps from storylines this past year...We all know what they are.

It's time for CBS and Wheeler to wake up and replace Kreizman or give him a capable partner PRONTO!!

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I agree with you on many levels. I honestly don't think GL has the money for someone like Mattson. At the most they would probably be able to offer the same contract they offered Liz Keifer & Beth Chamberlin which was so out of the way of normal that they both turned it down.

I would like Hope but she would probably be played by a newbie. Hopefully it would be someone with talent or they might have been able to get someone along the lines of Brian Gaskill - at least it would be a vet.

I think again as far as the writing since writers in soaps are well paid hiring a partner for him would be money. Maybe they could add a little to Donna Swajeski's paycheck and upgrade her. I think she could really help the show a lot if they let her have more say.

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[!@#$%^&*]. I was hoping the bump in households would mean better demos for DAYS but the decline continues. It's very worrying that most of the viewership decline has been concentrated within 18-34 and 18-49. These are their bread and butter.

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