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AMC: Tuesday

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The Adam/Krystal scenes are good - Krystal just won't leave and Adam is orally abusing her...I love it.

JR/Babe = boring today.

Tad/Julia - good stuff so far.

Kendall/Zach/Ryan = what is the point? Their pointless dialogue today isn't making me miss them over the last 3 days they were gone.

Ohh at least Jamie is going to hopefully beat up on JR...finally some action in those JR/Babe scenes.


Ok these Krystal/Adam scenes are great. Bobbie Eakes especially is doing a great job - I think today she could put these in her Emmy reel (with her Babe-is-dead episode). Great music selection during that scene where Adam tells Krystal to get rid of the baby.

GO Kendall - thank you for calling out Jonathan's past and how he has no room to b!tch at Zach.

Wow, so Jamie just forgives Babe bc she acted out of love for her mother, but he can't forgive JR bc of what he did to Tad. The Babe-forgiving was way too much from Jamie.

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I was somewhat forced to make a post here, combine that w/ also on my own free will...but I must say...despite my tolerance for a certain character, I was soooooooo smiling at the end today! Sweetness, I tell ya, pure sweetness!

and OMFG...tell me I am not falling in love w/ Ryan and Annie. PLEASE tell me that I am not, b/c it seems like I am!

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Loved the ending - watching a 9-month pregnant Krystal and Babe get arrested together, as Adam watches with that smug little look.

Ryan/Annie had some very suggestive dialogue today - with that inner thigh/situp and wait to jump talk. I enjoyed them today.

The previews look great too - Krystal/Erica fighting is always a treat. And wow, they showed Livia in a preview!

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Praise be to Mary, Joseph and Mary! AlwaysAMC you just made my day! I can't wait to watch tonight! YAY! I hope everyone gets to kick those pieces of trash while they're down! Which is always on their backs anyway.

What were they arrested for? besides being general annoyances and baby- nappers?

Jaime is a loser. Always has been. Always will.

I'm glad Kendall checked Jonathan. I haven't been able to tolerate since eternity, but since the Statin Slayer story, he is just so self righteous. Who appointed him lord and ruler when I know for damn sure that a village is missing its idiot.

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BWAHAHAHA! :lol: I am so watching SoapNet tonight!

LOL, can you imagine the previews for Wednesday?

"On the next All My Children:"

(In jail)

Tad: OMG! This is an outrage! How can they lock up a PREGNANT woman?!

Krystal: Tad... mah baby... (reaches out to him through the prison bars)

Josh: OMG! This is an outrage! How can they lock up Babe? She's a WALKING MIRACLE!

JR: OMG! This is an outrage! Release my wife this instant!

Babe: JR, no! Don't shout at the poor police officer. He's just doin' his job...

Zo-Arf: OMG! Sweetie! BFF! Are you alright, poppet? How can they do this to YOU?

Bianca: Babe, no! OMG! We're going to get you out, OK? I'll get Miranda to testify what a great mom you were that year you, uh, looked after her for me.

Krystal: Save mah baby doll, Tad! You get her outta here!

Babe: Mama, no! I'm not leaving you! We're Carey Women, we stick together through good times and bad!

Krystal Don't worry about me, baby-doll! I'm tough as old boots! I've suffered through prison before! I can handle all the physical, sexual and 'motional abuse! Yes, I can, baby doll! Even though I'm heavily pregnant! You just save yourself, Babe! Don't you worry about me! (Etc., etc., repeat all week)

You *know* that's how it's going to play.

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It was worth watching for the Adam/Krystal scenes and especially the final scene of the show. :D

Zzzzzendull and Ryan/Blandie still put me to sleep.

I refuse to watch any scene with Jonathan anymore since his hypocritical ranting about the Satin Slayer. I wish someone would just kill him off!

Jamie & Tad are both being assholes to JR, imo. They both know all the [!@#$%^&*] Babe has pulled and yet they're willing to forgive her but not Dixie's son, the guy who lived with them off and on over the years?

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The Horse Whisperer Ryan

Geez just slap me silly and call me Lily but now the arse has knowledge in how to ride a horse well I guess that could have come from riding Gillian like a monkey with an erection or Mia like a mama (get it? Mama Mia!) or Kendall like a rag doll popping its cherry and its stitches oh and cannot forget the Girl Wonder aka Green Butterfly like a umm-well a green butterfly! Sheesh so since when has this pathetic low life had time to ride a horse and literally be a riding instructor for Annie Fanny? He is too busy running corporations into the ground that he inherits and is out saving the world as Dynamite Kiddo from super villains like Fart Man, BonerFried, Penny Ante, Lulu, Jack Mehoff, Joe Mama, Mr. Ride Me Hard, and Dr. Masturbate 24/7 so when does he have the time to actually ride a horse like he is some John Wayne on steroids intent on horsing around? Sheesh I guess I need to ask Super Ryan on how to ride a horse and then take my skills as I compete in horse race event after horse race event and heck even win a $1,000 gift certificate to LoserLand to ride on amusement park rides called Sperm Coaster, Jimmy Hoffa is Buried Here Ferris Wheel, Super Crackhead the boat ride, and It's a Dynamite Kiddo World. Yee haw ride em horsey! Time to get me my spurs and some boots and whatever else one wears while riding those horses and then taking the action on a cowboy (e.g. save a horse, ride a cowboy). But thanks to Ryan I can now accomplish my task.

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I don't know about that...Erica has already slapped Krystal I think everyone just gets a limit of one slap from the diva. But you should have seen the slap she gave Zach about two years ago it was a triple slap attack. She certainly got violent there and nothing has changed....Erica still hates Zach :)

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