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Flavor of Love/Charm School: Discussion Thread


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Those Flavor of Love ladies could be a rough bunch, but they're about to clean up their acts. VH1's new spin-off, Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School starring Mo'Nique, is set to premiere April 15 at 10:00 PM. The Celebreality series finds the boisterous comedienne-actress dispensing rules of etiquette to the finger-waving, weave-swinging, expletive-spewing, booty-shaking, attitude-flaunting princesses from Flav-ville. Here's the deal:

Mo'Nique lets the girls know that their Flavor of Love stardom has also turned them into walking punchlines. "America wasn't laughing with you," she tells them, "they were laughing at you." Under Mo's tutelage, the ladies will be trained in proper etiquette and have their social skills challenged to test their self-confidence, composure and grace. The one left standing will receive a $50,000 prize.

The Charm School contestants, as pictured above are: (Top row, L-R) Like Dat (Flavor of Love 2), Rain (Flavor of Love 1), Buckeey (FoL 2), Saaphyri (FoL 2), Goldie (FoL 1), Buckwild (FoL 2), Hottie (FoL 1); (Bottom row, L-R) Toastee (FoL 2), Bootz (FoL 2), Krazy (FoL 2), Smiley (FoL 1), Serious (FoL 1) and Pumkin (FoL 1).

If the photo is any indication, this show will be amazing. It's like The Facts of Life on Alize!

After the jump are two exclusive VSPOT video previews of the show:

Every week leading up to the premiere of Charm School, VSPOT will post at least one new segment following the girls at home, in their natural habitats. In the first two below, catch up with Flavor of Love 2's Krazy (best known for her beautiful music), Buckeey (best known for her hotness), Saaphyri (best known for her lip chap) and Buckwild (best known for her accent).

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I think they picked the right girls to bring in the drama. Love that Rain and Saffyri are there. Though they didnt last long, both of them were crazy and will cause alot of conflict. The only one Im not excited to see is Toastee bc she was boring. Her claim to fame was that she got outed for doing porn. Other than that, she barely hit anyone's radar. Id have traded her for Red Oyster

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so who's watching? I saw some of it up on Vspot and will have to catch the rest tomorrow morning. So far looks good. I hate the "good" vibe that this has. Who cares about rehabiltation. I want some drama! This show reminds me so much of that show Starting Over with women that live in a house and try to better their lives. It has that kind of vibe with a ghetto twist of course...lol

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Im calling it right now and Goldie will win this. She is the ONLY normal and sane one of the bunch. Seriously girl has no drama and I love her. I think she was brought on bc she was popular and one of the more memorable girls bc she was just so genuine and hilarious. Her commentary is the best. Its not even fair to have her on the show up against those skanks

I actually dont mind the other girls but I cant stand that Krazy is there bc I hate her ass. I really hope she is eliminated early on bc she is one person that irritated the hell out of me. She better not try and sing.

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