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ATWT: Tuesday 2-20 discussion

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So far Today's show has not been to good, At least Parker and Faith are on they are atleast making it watchable. Katie and Brad are making me ill as are Craig and Meg. I really was hoping that the last two weeks were a positive change that things were getting better, but shows like this don't give me to much hope.

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I knew Nancy would be trotted out to cheer on Katie's idiotic show. Oh, and WTH??? Nancy writes off Brad as "mischevious"? The man blackmailed Carly into marriage. That's NOT mischevious, that's felonious. And now that I think about it, Katie was in the room when Bradley blew the lid off Parker's paternity. Ugh...I hate history rewrites, and this baby's diaper of one reeks. If TAIC had any clue, they'd dump the story immediately, fire Peck and send Katie off on a six-month cruise. And then never bring her back.

Spare me Craig's sliver of humanity making it's yearly appearance. it only makes Meg look like a complete idiot to be giving this man the time of day.

Why is Vienna back smackin' on Brad? Katie blew his cover when they were caught nearly humping on Katie's desk.

Parker and Faith were probably the best thing on today...at least when they make a nonsensical plan, it's because they're teens. And Parker talked about how Hal never bailed on him. *sniff* I kind of dispute that, but any mention of Hal is aces in my book.

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I used to like Vienna but now I want her gone. Her appeal wore off about a month ago.

Oh, Lily, you stupid dumbas$. If she's gonna punish the girl she should at least be consistent...

I wish Katie would get bitten by the dog chasing Faith and Parker.

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Lily is so stupid. :rolleyes:

Vienna I can take or leave. I will say, though, that her thing w/ Brad has made me like her less.

Grrr...I missed Nancy again!!

Yeah, Parker and Faith should not be the focus of a storyline. Nobody cares about two 10-year-old brats. Besides, why the hell are they always running away?? They're not even creative about it...it's always in the woods.

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I agree with you. Only Lucinda and Kim were the highlight of the show. The rest was awful. Lily is stupid. Paul's visions need to end. It has no entertainment value and is completely dumb.

Monday's show was 100% better than today's.

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This is the type show I have grown to expect when Katie and Brad are on, add Craig and Meg to the mix and the show just sucks, any show without those four is a great show, at least lately anyway. Sometimes I think we have a split personality JP, one that can write and the one that can't :P


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