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ATWT Monday 2.19.07 episode

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Wow. So far today is amazing!!

I absolutely loved the confrontation between Barbara and Margo! :wub: It was so good!!!

The other storylines are pretty interesting.

Okay, this is weird: I actually feel sorry for Paul. It seems like he just wants someone to talk to, and unfortunately, Parker and Faith are just too young.

So Paul officially moved into this cabin?? :wacko::lol:

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Today's show was very good, I loved the drama factor today. Gwen/Iris/Will/Maddie was pretty good, I just knew that Iris would not believe that lying Gwenie, if anyone can tell they are being conned it is a con and Iris is a con. I totally loved seeing my Barbie back in action today ripping Casey and Margo a new one, totally loved it. The Casey/Margo scene was also very good. I really liked all the drama that the Parker/Jack/Paul/Holden/Faith scenes had they were really well done and all the actors involved in that did a great job. As of of Today I am 100% invested in Emily's storyline they better not mess it up.

Only thing I did not like was the previews with Brad and Katie

And will someone at ATWT please make sure Parker keeps getting good storylines, Mick Hazen is just doing such a great job with him.

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God, this show is so much BETTER when Katie isn't on, it's phenomenal (IMO).

LOVED Babs hitting Margo right between the eyes with her "failure" as a parent. Remember when Margo and Babs would have it out every week or so?

I don't exactly feel sorry for Paul, even though he got grilled by the cousins Snyder. He's a freakin' adult...he should know better. And it's not like he didn't get his own licks in, poor Jack looked stunned when Paul said Parker was around because Paul listened to him, implying Jack didn't.

Seriously...why couldn't Gwen find that ring, when it was right on top of the ground?

Even Em was tolerable today, even though I don't buy her "hooking to feeled empowered" reasoning. But she's always been a little nuts. LOL.

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Loved the Barbara & Margo scenes.

Why do they think we want to see a story revolved around tweens? I can't stand this Parker or Faith. They need to either bring back the old ones that were at least descent actors or send the two current brats up stairs never to be seen again for several years.

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Holden saying Paul is not a parent? Low blow, considering Paul's daughter died (though I still contend she's miraculously with Grandpa James!) in his mother's kitchen less than six months ago. The look on Paul's face when Holden said that was :(

I'm SO tired of Paul being the Snyder punching bag. Though, at this point, I'd wish he take their advice and stay away from all of them.

KMH is fabulous, I just am not thrilled with this story for Emily, it just smacks of Emily getting kicked once again in the gut. Although I love RM. Oh and Dusty needs to STFU and stop threatening to fire Emily. I really really can't stand Dusty LOL!

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It's about time Barbara got involved in the stolen bonds...I want to see Barbara's edge again...

Of course Iris is going to smell a con/lie....she's the Queen of Lies, Manipulations and Con-Jobs....wonder how long it will be before Iris gets busted? I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see Margo or Babs eventually ripping into her too.

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For me, the highlight of the show was Barbara/Margo. I love the writers remembered their rivalry. Barbara could've also mentioned that Margo was James' mistress while she was married to him. In response to Barbara's 'you're mad because I was with Tom first,' Margo could've thrown some history back at her and countered that Babs tried to steal Tom from her years later and failed. That's the only complaint I really had about those scenes - Margo didn't do much to retaliate. She took the hits, but she didn't dish too many...and Barbara left her several openings to.

With the focus being put on Adam's grave, and now Gwen leaving her ring behind at the scene of the crime, I think it's foreshadowing trouble ahead for her (and Maddie by extension). I'm predicting Adam will somehow miraculously survive being buried, or the police will recover Gwen's ring.

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Quick! Give us Round 3 or 4 of Tom and Barbara!!!!

I freakin' LOVED those scenes with Barbara and Margo today.

Gwen/Iris is so predictable. She'll be blackmailing by the end of the week...

OMFG! I'm enthralled by Emily, the hooch.

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