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AMC: Wednesday

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With the new co-headwriter at One Life, someone picked from the existing staff, I wish Frons would do the same for AMC and appoint Amanda Beall as co-headwriter. Actually anyone would be fine: Addie Walsh (who suggested the transgender story), Michelle Patrick (probably wouldn't happen as she's black and this is ABC), Stephen Demorest (proven at many shows he's a good writer).....don't know much about Chip Hayes.

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One of my MANY problems with Beall -- and it showed itself in the Valentine's day episode -- is that her writing, especially her dialog, is too... for the lack of a better word... manufactured. The cute little titles at the beginning of each act, like the first one: "I've got you, I'm here," or whatever it was, epitomized that. Self-impressed nonsense like that bleeds into her dialog. She'll come up with a phrase and beat it into the ground. "Hate on" or "Shut me down" are things that make me want to rip each and every single one of my hairs out of my forearm.

She's pretty much the person responsible for the criticism AMC's been getting in regard to its snappy, snazzy, snippity snap, heavily accentuated, majorly punctuated razor sharp wit that makes your ears bleed dialog. It's like, ENOUGH ALREADY! Quit trying to be cute, quit trying to be funny, QUIT TRYING TO WRITE CATCH PHRASES, and just write a natural conversation, argument, whatever, between two characters.

If I had to bump up somebody on staff, it would be Demorest or Patrick. They both have vast experience on other networks and shows.

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LMAo why does it matter if it's legal? Jonathon murdered 3 people and didn't do a lick of jail time. We have a walking fetus on this show. Etc. MMT can say and do whatever she wants.

That said, it's your money, as long as your Will is made in the proper legal fashion, then you can leave it to pets if you choose. It would probably end up being more that the money was made avaible to the person who was taking care of the cats (with limitations, and even checks to make sure that the money was being spent for the cats well being and care) but yeah, it's possible. So the cats dont really "get" the money, but it's not money that can be spent elsewhere.

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Well ITA that the dialogue on AMC is appalling for the reasons you mentioned. It's more noticeable if you watch other soaps where it sounds like people are actually having real conversations and not trying so hard to be cute and/or clever and on a moment's notice too. I also dislike how several characters use the same words or phrase to describe something like "stones" for balls, "You're my home" or "I'm home" for couples in love, etc. The snippy snazzy dialogue (and I know exactly what you mean) is horrendous even though it did get a little better once Greenlee left, as she was one of the biggest offenders, although apparently there won't be that reprieve for much longer. IMO, several of the scriptwriters in addition to MMT and JHC need to be fired for the show to have some real improvement. BTW, I read the transcript of the Valentine's show and was not impressed with most of the dialogue (I liked Jamie talking about his feeling for Babe and JR's talk with Stuart was okay but could have been better). It was the actor's and the sentiment and the remembering of loved ones lost that made the show touching - not the dialogue.

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In the overused catch-phrase words of Amanda Beall... "you get me." It feels so good to know that someone out there watching/listening to this show hears exactly what I mean.

I was about to vomit on Valentine's day with the contrived Beall catchphrases of "Always, Only You." Who SAYS that? "I want to fix your heart, and never let it break again," equals a heavy "oh puh-leeze!" from me. It was like everybody had the vocabulary of a Hallmark card, whether it was in their character or not.

I had to laugh when you brought up Greenlee, because you're soooo right. The conversations between Greenlee and Kendall were like listening to a freaking Ella Fitzgerald/Sarah Vaughn Jazz Scat Competition. All of their syncopated rhythmns and their ba-dum bum CHING! With a scoobie doo wop zowie, and a rum pa-dum BING!

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