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AMC: Tuesday

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AMC_19 High Five Baby!!! B) There are no victims with Babe and JR except for Little A, and to a lesser extent Crystal. Adam and Tad. :rolleyes:

Lovin' Zendall!!! Hot doesn't begin to describe it!! :o

Sorry, but Annie is a bland photocopy of Greenlee, and anything that includes Ryan makes me gag. :angry: The loud whispery voice and the pius attitude from a once con man is more than I can stomach. :(

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Whoa - there is an All-American Rejects montage ending? It Ends Tonight!?!?

I LOVE when AMC does musical montages - and this is one of my favorite current songs!!!!

I just got home (been a LONG day) and now I'm definitely going to my tape to watch the rest of the show :)

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Ok the second half was MUCH better than the first half.

Zendall = Hot!

Jamie/Julia/Kathy = CUTE!

Ok, I have to admit that after today, Ryan and Annie would totally work for me. How hot were those scenes when they were drinking wine but totally daydreaming of macking down with each other. You know they want it! No Ryan coupling will win me over like Gillian/Ryan, but I could work with Annie/Ryan right now - and Emma is so cute too, it all fits. Just PLEASE let Ryan stay out of Kendall's life except when he's watching Spike and they casually run into each other in a friendly way....if that works, then I'll like Ryan/Annie. That Annie/Erica preview for tomorrow looks fun too...gotta love Miss Erica!

Ugh - I hate to say this, but I felt sorry for Babe. Sometimes Alexa just gets to me. I don't think she's a good wife, but she is a wonderful mother to Little A, and I hate to see her lose custody.

Today was a nice retreat away from the Satin Slayer drama - it was all about relationships, nothing really plot-driven. So today was a nice refresher...it was a breath of fresh air almost.

OH and of course I loved that ending music montage - "It Ends Tonight" is one of my fav. current songs. Loved it!

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Yes, they were, breaking things together, planning arson, ending up on the opposite sides of their bed was all hot, hot and even more hot.

I stopped watching Babe scenes but if this is the end of JR/Babe it could not come fast enough except I think they waited too long and Josh/Babe seem like a lost cause now. The entire JR/Babe/Josh triangle hurt Josh and Babe very badly character wise and was an awful idea.

I find Ryan and Annie incredibly boring but I'm glad other people like them because maybe they'll let Ryan carry a storyline on his own and Kendall won't be shoved into his storyline at the cost of her own storylines. I just don't find them interesting. I did find Ryan and Annie's dialogue hilarious about Ryan never pressuring Annie about parental rights. Famous last words. I thought the weird facial expression they were making while fantasizing about each other were hilarious. Ryan staring and Annie just looked weird. Maybe they were trying for some eye sex but it did not work?

Julia and Jamie are cute. Much better than Babe/Anyone or Ryan and Annie.

Does anyone remember that Dixie died?

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I HATED Julia and Jamie today. SLUTS! That's a HORRIBLE environment in which to bring an impressionable child. It's AMAZING she didn't catch them just before climax! OOooh, let me tell you, I was LIVID during those disgusting scenes today.

Have a LITTLE decency and lock the door if you're going to fornicate, [!@#$%^&*]es!!!!

Yes, "Jamia," you two are OFFICALLY on my shitlist. :angry: :angry: :angry:

As for JRabe, what is everyone talking about? This fight was the fight of the entire show! The best scenes come from JR and Babe. Well, and Annyan, but I'll get to that later.

I'm still mourning the JR and Babe coupling; I foolishly thought these two crazy kids could work it out.

Luckily, there's always JOSH to pick up the pieces! :wub:

Now onto Annyan.

I swear, I was ready to [!@#$%^&*]SLAP Annie during her conversation with Ryan today, where it seemed like she was going to cut him off from his daughter...and then...what happened...THE BIG REVEAL!!! Annie was playing him all along and she's going to tell Emma that her father is Ryan. LOVE IT!!

And I ESPECIALLY loved how each of them secretly fantasized about POUNCING on the other one!!


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I love how I can walk into an AMC thread and, sure enough, it seems like I'm watching a different show than everyone else! :lol:

Once again, the highlights included: JR/Babe, ANNYAN (!! :wub:) and um... well, that's it. Kendall and Zach were okay with the throwing dishes until they got under the covers. (And yes, Zach's "I got to show you something" line was insanely hot, but that doesn't give them highlight status in my opinion)

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^^Well you must realize that the majority of AMC SON'ers are Zendall fans and don't really like Babe or the Babe/JR coupling.

But different opinions are welcome :)

But I gotta say - I didn't think anything was wrong with the Jamie/Julia/Kathy scenes. I don't think Jamie/Julia were in the wrong at ALL. It was adorable IMO and they were no where NEAR having sex or even climaxing. lol - they were barely making out - barely. Plus, I would never lock my bedroom door when I'm asleep...

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