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GH's 24...

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I find it hard to believe that Robin could bleed for 11 hours and live. It just seems to be too much. Maybe they should have saved her shooting until this week.

So glad other people hated Lulu screaming at Alan. Shut up, you banshee! What does he have to apologize for anyway? Lulu knows how the Spencers roll, she knows Luke would throw anyone under a bus to protect Laura. Her righteous indignation to the DYING MAN was a bit too much.

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Skye is intolerable! I wish a bullet had gone through her instead.

My poor Robin! She truly looks at death's door. I do think she would have bled out now, considering her already compromised condition. Speaking of which, is everyone at risk for infection now? Carly, Emily and Lulu have blood all over them and they're just touching their faces. Carly made a comment, but she was just being her typical self.

I'm so loving Patrick! He's coming on like gangbusters to save Robin.

Luke hsouldn't be in jail. The PCPD, with Ric thinking he's running something, are idiots.

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I think with Robin, they would have to be open wounds and a lot of blood going into those wounds. They should be tested though. The risk is small unless their are open wounds. Now that they are actually preforming the surgery, they do have gloves on which is good. I may be wrong though

But yeah, Robin should have bled out by now.

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What kind of Jim Jones Kool-Aid is Skye on??? She is not worried about helping anyone except Alcazar.

I hope when Alan dies that Monica and Tracy jump her and give her a beat down.

Also, I am not liking this new doctor. I hope that they don't make him a couple with Ephifany!

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I'm riveted!

Skye is a complete [!@#$%^&*]! B.I.T.C.H. and not the good kind, but a rabid dog foaming at the mouth over her owner, Lorenzo. Patrick needed to shove her right into the Metro Court and hope she got shot. How dare she harrass him?!

I don't like this new doctor either.

Sam needs to start stabbing ppl!

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It feels boring now. I know there going for the deep connections and bonding stuff now, but it's not ringing true to me. I'm bored. And how cheesy was that when everybody stood up to save Robin? The gunman is such a pushover. He was fun at first, but I'm losing interest. GH is still doing good for sweeps, but I'm just bored today.

ETA: I forgot to ask what everyone thought of Natalie Livingston yesterday?

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I missed yesterday's :( Did Alan die...what happened to him/where is his body??? Why isn't Emily more of a wreck?

Today isn't too bad - we do need some movement though - it's like they had a great buildup and storyline, but filling 12 hours (12 episodes) up with hostage filler can be difficult. I guess the writers are doing good enough to keep me watching at least.

I can't wait for next week when it's closer to the explosion hour.

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Alan didn't die yet. He's in a room passed out.

I think Natalia Livingston is a horrible actress. There's just something off about her performance, but it's not ringing true for me.

Skye is utterly pathetic.

The hostages can overtake the gunmen. They just need to target each captor and go for it!

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It's like she can produce all these tears, yet there is no heart, or passion behind her performance. Is like she is just doing what she's supposed to do, and a half ass job at that.

How can Skye be redeemed from this mess?

How many captors are there? And what's up with Maxie and the other gunman?

Wow, that ending was underwhelming :mellow:

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LMAO. :lol::lol::lol:

I'm just glad she is conscious. However, there is a legitimate medical reason. The body produces certain endorphines that allows a person to have a superhuman strength; sort of like when a mother lift a car to save her trapped kid. Her body may be in shock or something.

Sonny & Carly are getting to me too. I hate it too! :rolleyes:

Luke needs to be out of jail dammit! He's the only one with balls.

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