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AMC: Wednesday

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I forgot that Di and Krystal even knew each other. I used to like them as frenemies. Funny how I bought Di as Dixie back then but she looked so young compared to Krystal today.

Eek! A Aidan/Kendall scene. It sucks that he was silent but as least they made eye contact and were interacting on some level

Ryan and Annie were hot today! I love them. Best couple on the show after Di/Aidan who are barely on. Im watching right now and loving their scenes. I love how Ryan is with her and Im so glad he's Emma's father. I thought that kiss was hot. I hated Ryan before but they have redeemed him for me and I no longer find him annoying. I think Emma and Annie bring out the absolute best in him. I love this family. Those 2 are good for him and Im glad they have each other

Now you know how I feel. Everyone here knows I was one of Babe's biggest supporters but Im absolutely sick of her. She is overexposed and I find her annoying as hell. I really wanted her to die and I wish JR would just dump her already. IA with Darn bc the truth is even Babe fans are sick of her now
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Ryan and Annie. They're not bad, they're like Ryan and Greenlee except they literally sucked out Greenlee's soul to make her like Annie - so that really wasn't good. But it works well here, cause Annie's always been well-behaved and obedient. Now, both of them need to not carry on the judgmental thing to long with Kendall or anybody - and I'm not just saying that because I like Kendall - I'm saying it b/c it's an unattractive Ryan trait.

The Zach/Kendall stuff has been really good this week. Very "sigh" worthy. It's like they're finally paying attention to building the couple rather than focusing on using and abusing them for plot, speaking of which...

Sigh (and that was a bad sigh), JR makes me sick. He needs to stop judging Babe's policy of "free love. free babies" whenever she gives out or takes "free love. free babies" since he'll always, always be whupped by her. Babe = The Light, we should all just give in, lol. I have to laugh at it at this point, what else?

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I'm sorry, but I'm watching the show right now, mid-tape, and I had to stop the tape just to come on here and say...


"Where is my head?"

"On your gorgeous neck, that's where your head is."

"One inside out sweater, you won't let me forget it..."

*SWOON*, *SWOON*, *SWOON*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

Okay, back to watching the tape...

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Must Love Ryan

Oh there are just so many reasons to love Ryan since after all he is the patron saint of Pine Valley who can turn water into cat urine and pass it off as Dynamite Kiddo super duper extrapooper lemonade! But once everyone gets sick well I'm not so sure if they will be able to love St. Ryan ever again...he is also very talented by managing to extend his arm across The Pacific Ocean to China and grab five Chinese women in his Dynamite Kiddo hand and lick them like a dog panting after chocolate ice cream (it really is doo doo but we will keep that a secret from the beloved pooch). One more talent that cannot be forgotten about St. Ryan is to tell a joke and get everyone to laugh so hard they create a river....the WeAreIdiotsToLoveRyan River that is longer than the Missippi and causes fish to swim in it and fight their way out of it like Bubba just jumped an ex convict to escape from the nut house!

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All of Ryan's relationships have been contrived -- simply because Cameron has the spark of a wet match.

The only relationship that worked for the Ryan character was Ryan & Gillian. But even by the time they got married, Ryan was all "MY WIFE! MY WIFE! MY WIFE!" and I was tired of him by then.

Cameron failed miserably with Marcy Walker and Amelia Heinle. He and Becky Budig were an absolute bore. They didn't work back in 1999, and once Becky was spoiled working opposite Josh Duhamel, the Ryan and Greenlee Redux was horrendous.

His pairing with Kendall back in January 2002 was shakey, too, because it was forced by Richard Culliton (ugh, if Kendall called him "six pack" one more time...!) and AM was horribly green and it showed. The only reason Rendall had any sizzle in 2003 was because by then, Lish Minshew had found her groove and was having chemistry with limp lettuce!

So this Annie pairing is just run of the mill. Everyone has to be told how hot they are, because there IS no chemistry between these performers. MCE is a good actress, I'm not slighting her. But her character is bland and undefined, and that's an extremely risky foundation on which to start building an emotional investment in "Annie".

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Cameron Mathison..... don't see the hotness. Give me Thorsten Kaye and Aiden Turner :wub:

Anyway back to yesterday's show...loved seeing Zach and Kendall working together to solve this mystery. Loved when Kendall gave Jamie a hug. And seeing Aidan in the scene with Zen...makes me so want Zen and Daidan to be friends, I would love love that :)

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